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Talk:Mae meh - Wikipedia

Talk:Mae meh


“你好”,用状语怎么说? 状语有文字吗?Chenyun 16:32, 12 Jan 2005 (UTC)

你好,这种语言叫做壮语,不是“状”语,是一种流传在广西壮族自治区的一种语言。人民币上就印刷有壮语的“中国人民银行”字样。YukiSakura 2007年8月9日 (四) 06:44 (UTC)

[编辑] Ridiculous

This project is ridiculous so far. All articles are either empty or nonsense. You should wait until you find someone who actually knows the language before you set up Wikipedia in Zhuang. — Babelfisch 10:43 (Beijing time), September 8th, 2005

Clear you cant Zhuang. Cungzcoj, Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz, Baekging, all is article in good Zhuang. -- 18:26 September 8th, 2005
No, I don't know Zhuang. Three articles, wonderful. Great articles! Baekging has six words, and Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz has eight words. According to the statistics[1], there is a total of twelve at the moment, three more then in September 2005. The project should be closed. — Babelfisch 14:55 (Beijing time), June 28th, 2006
This site needs developing, of course contributions are needed from native speakers, setting up a page and then inviting contributions is an acceptable method. A small start is not a bad thing. Dojvunz 03:49 2006年11月11日 (UTC)

[编辑] WTF???

What is this language? the Wiki things are in chinese, but the articles themselves are written in the Roman alphabet????

  • Standardized Zhuang is written the latin alphabet, though it seems han characters and cyrillic are also used by some. The wiki interface appears to have been taken from Chinese wikipedia. en:PoptartKing 04:38 2006年7月18日 (UTC)

[编辑] Main Page

The Main Page should'n be free. Please protect it. --ku:Bangin / de:Bangin 11:48 2006年10月15日 (UTC)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -