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Image:Wikispecies-logo.png - Wikipedia


From Wikipedia

This file is a shared upload and may be used by other projects.

The description on its file description page on the shared repository is shown below.

A vector version of this image (SVG) is available.
It should be used in place of this raster image when superior.

Image:Wikispecies-logo.png  Image:Wikispecies-logo.svg

For more information about vector graphics, read about Commons transition to SVG.
There is also information about MediaWiki's support of SVG images.

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New SVG image
Concept design by Jeremykemp
Concept design by Jeremykemp

The Wikispecies logo, created by Zephram Stark, based on a concept design by Jeremykemp. This is a transparent version of Image:Wikispecies-logo.jpg; the transparency was done by User:っ.

See Image:Wikispecies-logo-en.png for a version with English text below.

© © & ™ All rights reserved, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

This image (or parts of it) is copyrighted by the Wikimedia Foundation. It is (or includes) one of the official logos or designs used by the Wikimedia Foundation or by one of its projects. Use of the Wikimedia logo is subject to the Wikimedia visual identity guidelines and requires permission.

The Wikimedia logo

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current22:15, 26 December 2005941×1,103 (136 KB)Dbenbenn (copy of Image:Wikispecies-logo.jpg, made transparent by User:っ)
00:43, 20 June 2005126×115 (5 KB)Dbenbenn (synchronized with Image:Wikispecies-logo-en.png: cropped at 126x115+0+0)
14:04, 6 June 2005135×119 (15 KB)Schaengel89 (version with text: Image:Wikispecies-logo-en.png)
22:35, 12 November 2004135×155 (8 KB)Ausir

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