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Imagine:Wiktionary-logo-en.png - Wikipedia


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English Wiktionary logo

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The Wikimedia logo

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curentă12 май 2006 14:301.000x1.089 (234 KB)Dbenbenn (thumbnail, since MediaWiki has trouble on the full size image)
21 аугуст 2005 21:431.712x1.864 (35 KB)Dbenbenn (larger version, originally uploaded to meta:Image:Wiktionary-large-scan.png by meta:User:Brion VIBBER with comment "Highish resolution copy of Wiktionary logo; partially cleaned up scan. (There is a vector copy somewhere...)")
19 юние 2005 23:22135x135 (9 KB)Andrew pmk (optipng, trim a little more space off this png)
16 фебруарие 2005 13:21135x135 (9 KB)Dbenbenn (pngcrushed, losslessly compressed, 40% smaller)
9 ноембрие 2004 01:39135x135 (15 KB)Eloquence (Wiktionary logo. {{GFDL}})

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