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Imagine:Commons-logo.svg - Wikipedia


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Commons-logo.svg (fişier SVG, cu dimensiunea nominală de 1024 × 1376 pixeli, mărime fişier: 10 KB)

Acest fişier transferat (upload) poate fi folosit în comun de către alte proiecte.

The description on its pagina descriptivă a fişierului on the shared repository is shown below.

The Wikimedia Commons logo, SVG version.


This version created by Pumbaa, using a proper partial circle and SVG geometry features. (Former versions used to be slightly warped.}


SVG version was created by User:Grunt and cleaned up by 3247, based on the earlier PNG version, created by Reidab.

(Reusing this image)

Message from the original creator, Reidab: "I'd be happy for the copyright to be transfered to the Wikimedia Foundation. I'll clean it up a bit and then sent it off to you. I think that illustrator can export to an svg, but if it can't, I'll send is as an eps."

© © & ™ All rights reserved, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

This image (or parts of it) is copyrighted by the Wikimedia Foundation. It is (or includes) one of the official logos or designs used by the Wikimedia Foundation or by one of its projects. Use of the Wikimedia logo is subject to the Wikimedia visual identity guidelines and requires permission.

The Wikimedia logo

Историкул фишиерулуй

Faceţi click pe o dată/timp pentru a vizualiza fişierul de la timpul respectiv.

curentă16 септембрие 2007 01:431.024x1.376 (10 KB)Connel MacKenzie (Reverted to version as of 10:57, 15 May 2006)
30 октомбрие 2006 07:211.020x1.380 (6 KB)Dbc334 (smaller size)
15 май 2006 10:571.024x1.376 (10 KB)WarX (Proper version :) - previous was not scaling proper in inkscape)
21 мартие 2006 02:281.024x1.376 (1 KB)Pumbaa80 (File completely re-coded. Now featuring geometry and structure ;-) Modifying this image version is definitely easier.)
25 дечембрие 2005 17:571.144x1.534 (2 KB)Dbenbenn (scale up, so it is big enough with "|thumb" syntax)
18 октомбрие 2005 23:46114x153 (2 KB)Optimager (My old one was a little bit too cropped)
18 октомбрие 2005 23:42109x146 (2 KB)Optimager
18 октомбрие 2005 23:31612x792 (2 KB)Optimager
15 септембрие 2005 22:59115x150 (2 KB)3247 (cropped and optimizes, fully transparent.)
10 септембрие 2005 10:46250x266 (5 KB)Duesentrieb (The Wikimedia Commons logo, SVG version. See also Image:Commons-logo.png. SVG version created by User:Grunt. Source of the PNG version: [], created by Reidab. Mess)

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