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Humphrey Bogart - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea.

Humphrey Bogart


Humphrey DeForest Bogart (New York, 1899ko abenduaren 25 - Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 1957ko urtarrilaren 14) Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako aktorea izan zen. 1999an, American Film Institute delakoak Bogart gizonezko zinema-izarrik handiena izendatu zuen.

75 filmetan agertuta, mundu osoan zehar ospea eman zion pertsonaiak ezaugarri berak zituen: azkarra eta gogorra, baina batez ere, inguru ustel batean bere moral pertsonalari eusteagatik ezaguna. Nahiz eta hasiera Broadwayn eta 1920ko eta 1930eko hamarkadetako filmetan aktore ona baina B mailakoa izan, Bogarten hurrengo lorpenek zinemako mitoa bihurtu zuten.

[aldatu] Filmografia

  • Life Famous Players-Lasky, 1920
  • The Dancing Town Paramount laburmetraia, 1928
  • Broadway's Like That Warner Bros. laburmetraia, 1930
  • Up the River Fox, 1930
  • A Devil with Women Fox, 1930
  • Body and Soul Fox, 1931
  • The Bad Sister Universal, 1931
  • A Holy Terror Fox, 1931
  • Love Affair Columbia, 1932
  • Big City Blues Warner Bros., 1932
  • Three on a Match Warner Bros., 1932
  • Midnight Universal, 1934
  • The Petrified Forest Warner Bros., 1936
  • Bullets or Ballots Warner Bros., 1936
  • Two Against the World Warner Bros., 1936
  • China Clipper Warner Bros., 1936
  • Isle of Fury, Warner Bros., 1936
  • Black Legion Warner Bros., 1937
  • The Great O'Malley Warner Bros., 1937
  • Marked Woman Warner Bros., 1937
  • Kid Galahad Warner Bros., 1937
  • San Quentin Warner Bros., 1937
  • Dead End Goldwyn, 1937
  • Stand-In United Artists, 1937
  • Breakdowns of 1938 Warner Bros. laburmetraia, 1938
  • Swing Your Lady Warner Bros., 1938
  • For Auld Lang Syne Warner Bros. laburmetraia, 1938
  • Crime School Warner Bros., 1938
  • Racket Busters Warner Bros., 1938
  • Men Are Such Fools Warner Bros., 1938
  • The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse Warner Bros., 1938
  • Angels with Dirty Faces Warner Bros., 1938
  • Swingtime in the Movies Warner Bros. laburmetraia, 1939
  • King of Underworld Warner Bros., 1939
  • The Oklahoma Kid Warner Bros., 1939
  • Dark Victory Warner Bros., 1939
  • You Can't Get Away with Murder Warner Bros., 1939
  • The Roaring Twenties Warner Bros., 1939
  • The Return of Doctor X Warner Bros., 1939
  • Invisible Stripes Warner Bros., 1939
  • Virginia City Warner Bros., 1940
  • It All Came True Warner Bros., 1940
  • Brother Orchid Warner Bros., 1940
  • They Drive by Night Warner Bros., 1940
  • High Sierra Warner Bros., 1941
  • The Wagons Roll at Night Warner Bros., 1941
  • The Maltese Falcon Warner Bros., 1941
  • All Through the Night Warner Bros., 1942
  • The Big Shot Warner Bros., 1942
  • Across the Pacific Warner Bros., 1942
  • Casablanca Warner Bros., 1942
  • Action in the North Atlantic Warner Bros., 1943
  • Thank Your Lucky Stars Warner Bros., 1943
  • Sahara Columbia, 1943
  • Report from the Front Warner Bros. laburmetraia, 1944
  • Passage to Marseille Warner Bros., 1944
  • To Have and Have Not Warner Bros., 1944
  • Conflict Warner Bros., 1945
  • Hollywood Victory Caravan 20th Century-Fox laburmetraia, 1945
  • Two Guys from Milwaukee Warner Bros., 1946
  • The Big Sleep Warner Bros., 1946
  • Dead Reckoning Columbia, 1947
  • The Two Mrs. Carrolls Warner Bros., 1947
  • Dark Passage Warner Bros., 1947
  • The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Warner Bros., 1948
  • Always Together Warner Bros., 1948
  • Key Largo Warner Bros., 1948
  • Knock on Any Door Columbia, 1949
  • Tokyo Joe Columbia, 1949
  • Chain Lightning Warner Bros., 1950
  • In a Lonely Place Columbia, 1950
  • The Enforcer Warner Bros., 1951
  • Sirocco Columbia, 1951
  • The African Queen United Artists, 1951
  • U.S. Savings Bonds Trailer MGM laburmetraia, 1952
  • Deadline - U.S.A. 20th Century-Fox, 1952
  • Battle Circus MGM, 1953
  • Beat the Devil United Artists, 1953
  • The Love Lottery Ealing, 1954
  • The Caine Mutiny Columbia, 1954
  • Sabrina Paramount, 1954
  • The Barefoot Contessa United Artists, 1954
  • We're No Angels Paramount, 1955
  • The Left Hand of God 20th Century-Fox, 1955
  • The Desperate Hours Paramount, 1955
  • The Harder They Fall Columbia, 1956

[aldatu] Bideoak

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