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ৱিকিপেদিয়া:সাহাৰ্য্য কেন্দ্ৰ - Wikipedia

ৱিকিপেদিয়া:সাহাৰ্য্য কেন্দ্ৰ

From Wikipedia

ৱিকিপেদিয়া:Five Pillars

অসমিয়া টাইপিং

See "edit this page" above? On Wikipedia, you can edit articles right now, without logging in.

What is Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia collaboratively written by many of its readers. It is a special type of website, called a wiki, that makes collaboration easy. Many people are constantly improving Wikipedia, making thousands of changes an hour, all of which are recorded on article histories and recent changes. Inappropriate changes are usually removed quickly, and repeat offenders can be blocked from editing.

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How can I help? Don't be afraid to edit — anyone can edit almost any page, and we encourage you to be bold! Find something that can be improved, whether content, grammar or formatting, and make it better.

You can't break Wikipedia. Anything can be fixed or improved later. So go ahead, edit an article and help make Wikipedia the best information source on the Internet!

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Click here to add a new section. (If there are already sections under "Test edits", you can also click on the appropriate "edit" link and edit someone else's text.)


See also Wikipedia:Introduction, Wikipedia:Tutorial, Help:Editing, and Help:Starting a new page

Wikipedia is a Wiki and this means anyone can easily edit any unprotected page and save those changes immediately to that page. After your first edit, you will be a Wikipedia editor! Good luck with your first edit.


[edit] Introduction

Note: You can use the sandbox to experiment with page editing.

Editing most Wikipedia pages is not very difficult. Simply click on the "edit this page" tab at the top of a Wikipedia page (or on a section-edit link). This will bring you to a new page with a text box containing the editable text of the original page. If you just want to experiment, please do so in the sandbox, not here. You should write a short edit summary in the small field below the edit-box. You may use shorthand to describe your changes, as described in the legend, and when you have finished, press the Show preview button to see how your changes will look. You can also see the difference between the page with your edits and the previous version of the page by pressing the "Show changes" button. If you're satisfied with what you see, be bold and press the Save page button. Your changes will immediately be visible to all Wikipedia users.

You can also click on the "Discussion" tab to see the corresponding talk page, which contains comments about the page from other Wikipedia users. Click on the "+" tab to add a new section, or edit the page in the same way as an article page.

You should remember to sign your messages on talk pages and some special-purpose project pages, but you should not sign edits you make to regular articles. In page histories, the MediaWiki software keeps track of which user makes each change.

[edit] Minor edits

Template:Further A check to the "minor edit" box signifies that only superficial differences exist between the current and previous version: typo corrections, formatting and presentational changes, rearranging of text without modifying content, etc. A minor edit is a version that the editor believes requires no review and could never be the subject of a dispute. The "minor edit" option is one of several new editing options available only to registered users.

[edit] Major edits

All editors are encouraged to be bold, but there are several things that a user can do to ensure that major edits are performed smoothly. Before engaging in a major edit, consider discussing proposed changes on the article discussion/talk page. During the edit, if doing so over an extended period of time, the {{inuse}} tag can reduce the likelihood of an edit conflict. Once the edit has been completed, the inclusion of an edit summary will assist in documenting the changes. These steps will all help to ensure that major edits are well received by the Wikipedia community.

A major edit is a version that should be reviewed to confirm that it is consensual to all concerned editors. Therefore, any change that affects the meaning of an article is major (not minor), even if the edit is a single word.

[edit] Wiki markup

The wiki markup is the syntax system you can use to format a Wikipedia page; please see Help:Editing for details on it, and Help:Wikitext examples for a longer list of the possibilities of Wikitext.

[edit] Table of contents

At the current status of the wiki markup language, having at least four headers on a page triggers the table of contents (TOC) to appear in front of the first header (or after introductory sections). Putting __TOC__ anywhere forces the TOC to appear at that point (instead of just before the first header). Putting __NOTOC__ anywhere forces the TOC to disappear. See also compact TOC for alphabet and year headings.

[edit] Templates

The MediaWiki software used by Wikipedia has support for templates. This means standardized text chunks (such as boilerplate text) can be inserted into articles. For example, typing Template:Tl will appear as "This article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it." when the page is saved. See Wikipedia:Template messages for the complete list. Other commonly used templates are: Template:Tl for disambiguation pages, Template:Tl for spoiler warnings and Template:Tl like an article stub but for a section. There are many subject-specific stubs for example: Template:Tl, Template:Tl, and Template:Tl. For a complete list of stubs see Wikipedia:WikiProject Stub sorting/Stub types.

[edit] More information on editing wiki pages

You may also want to learn about: Template:Meta

  • How to start a page
  • Informal tips on contributing to Wikipedia
  • Editing tasks in general at the Wikipedia:Editing FAQ
  • Wikipedia:Cheatsheet
  • Rename pages boldly, at Wikipedia:How to rename (move) a page
  • Preferred layout of your article, at Guide to layout
  • Style conventions in the Wikipedia:Manual of Style
  • An article with annotations pointing out common Wikipedia style and layout issues, at Wikipedia:Annotated article
  • General policies in Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines
  • Wikipedia:Naming conventions for how to name articles themselves
  • Help on editing very large articles
  • If you are making an article about something that belongs to a group of objects (a city, an astronomical object, a Chinese character...) check if there is a WikiProject on the group and try to follow its directions explicitly.
  • Wikipedia:Namespace

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