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Gloucestershire - Wikipedia, déi fräi Enzyklopedie


Vu Wikipedia, der fräier Enzyklopedie.

Dëse Geographiesartikel iwwer d´Vereenegte Kinnekräich vu Groussbritannien an Nordirland ass eréischt just eng Skizz. Wann der méi iwwer dëst Thema wësst, sidd der häerzlech invitéiert aus dëse puer Sätz e richtegen Artikel ze schreiwen. Wann dir Hëllef braucht beim Schreiwen, da luusst bis an d'FAQ eran.
Landesdeel: England
Statut: Zeromoniell Grofschaft
Net-Metropolesch Grofschaft (Shire-County)
Fläch: 3.150 km²
Awunner: 823.500 (2005)
Bevëlkerungsdicht: 261 / km²

Gloucestershire (ausgeschwat "Glostershire") ass eng Grofschaft am Weste vun England, déi an d'Kategori vun de shire counties fällt. Déi wichtegst Uertschafte si Gloucester, Cheltenham a Stroud.

[Änneren] Stroud Vintage

In keeping with Stroud's rich textile heritage, the town now hosts regular monthly Vintage Fashion, Textile and Accessories Fairs in the historic Stroud Subscription Rooms - a fine Georgian building which also houses the Tourist Information Centre. Details of the monthly fairs can be found at Stroud Vintage Fashion, Textile & Accessories Fairs.

The fairs offer a wonderful selection of quality vintage clothes (including many fine pieces constructed from local wools and cloths), textiles, jewellery, books, shoes, hats, bags and accessories from the 1800s to the 1980s, with Specialist sellers coming from the Stroud area, plus the entire UK and Europe.

Vintage has become the eco-friendly face of fashion, each piece lovingly recycled, perfectly suited to Stroud's Green ethic.

Bild:Victorian Vintage Collection 72dpi.jpg
a wonderful selection of quality vintage clothes, textiles, jewellery, books, shoes, hats, bags and accessories from the 1800s to the 1980s

Zeremoniell Grofschafte vun England

Bedfordshire | Berkshire | Bristol | Buckinghamshire | Cambridgeshire | Cheshire | Cornwall | Cumbria | Derbyshire | Devon | Dorset | Durham | Essex | Gloucestershire | Grouss London | Grouss Manchester | Hampshire | Herefordshire | Hertfordshire | Wight | Kent | Lancashire | Leicestershire | Lincolnshire | London City | Merseyside | West Midlands | Norfolk | Northamptonshire | Northumberland | Nottinghamshire | Oxfordshire | Rutland | Shropshire | Somerset | Staffordshire | Suffolk | Surrey | Ost Sussex | West Sussex | Tyne and Wear | Warwickshire | Wiltshire | Worcestershire | Ost Yorkshire | Nord Yorkshire | West Yorkshire | Süd Yorkshire |

Static Wikipedia 2008 (March - no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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https://www.classicistranieri.it - https://www.ebooksgratis.com - https://www.gutenbergaustralia.com - https://www.englishwikipedia.com - https://www.wikipediazim.com - https://www.wikisourcezim.com - https://www.projectgutenberg.net - https://www.projectgutenberg.es - https://www.radioascolto.com - https://www.debitoformativo.it - https://www.wikipediaforschools.org - https://www.projectgutenbergzim.com