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William Gillock - Wikipedia

William Gillock

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

William Gillock (La Russell1917 – Dallas1993) è stato un compositore e musicista statunitense.

[modifica] Biografia

Ha frequentato il Methodist College, a Fayette, Missouri, dove si è diplomato sia in piano che composizione con N. Louise Wright, che da subito riconobbe in lui spiccate doti musicali. La didattica è l'ambito a cui ha dedicato buona parte delle sue opere, soprattutto quella rivolta a bambini ed adolescenti.
Per vent'anni ha vissuto a New Orleans dove divenne anche animatore musicale nell'organizzazione di eventi, abbinando l'insegnamento privato e workshops con insegnati. La seconda parte della sua vita la passò a Dallas.
Gillock fu insignito per cinque volte dalla National Federation of Music Clubs con l'Award of Merit for Service to American Music e la sua biografia appare sull'International Who's Who of Musician. Da suoi contemporanei è stato definito "the Schubert of children’s composers".
La sua musica ha molti cultori in Germania e Giappone.
Morì a Dallas a Settembre 1993 dopo una lunga malattia.

[modifica] Alcune delle opere

Now I Can Play Book 1
Now I Can Play Book 2
Now I Can Play Book 3
Piano All the Way 1A
Piano All the Way 1B
Piano All the Way 2
Piano All the Way 3
Piano All the Way 4

Technic All the Way 1A
Technic All the Way 1B
Technic All the Way 2A
Technic All the Way 2B

Theory All the Way
Theory All the Way 1B
Theory All the Way 2A
Theory All the Way 2B

Brani brillanti e adattamenti pianistici
Adagio Esotico
Aeolian Harp
Arabesque Sentimentale
Ariel (a forest sprite)
At the Ballet
Autumn Is Here
Bells of Notre Dame
Blue Mood
Blues Motif
By a Sylvan Lake
Carnival in Rio
Carnival in Rio (second part)
Choral Prelude
Classic Carnival
Come Saturday Morning
Command Performance
Cossack Dance
Cuckoo's Call
Dancing in a Dream
Dancing on the Levee
Day by Day
Deserted Planatation
Drifting Cowboy
Electronic Computer
Elfin Pranks
Etude in A Major
Etude in E Minor
Etude in G Major (Tobaggan Ride)
Festive Dance
Festive Piece
Flute Song and Dance
Fog at Sea
Fountain in the Rain
French Doll
Fur Elise
Georgia on My Mind
German Dance Op
Glass Slipper
Happy Holiday
Haunted Tree
Holiday in Paris Schirmer
Horseback Ride
In Old Vienna
Journey in the Night
The Juggler
Last Spring
Lazy Bayou
Little Suite in Baroque Style
Little Suite in C
Love Story
Madrigal Singers
Maple Leaf Rag
March of the Tin Soldiers
March (from the Nutcracker
Memory of Vienna
Music Box Waltz
My Toy Duck
Mission Bells
My Wild Irish Rose
Night Serenade
Old Plantation
Polynesian Nocturne
Portrait of Paris
Prowling Pussycat
Rondo in Classic Style
Royal Hunt
Seven Dwarfs
Sleigh bells in the Snow
Sing We Noel
Sonatina in C
Sonatina in Classic Style
Sonatina in G
Song from M*A*S*H
Spanish Roses
Stately Procession
Sunrise Sunset
Three Jazz Preludes
A Time for Us
Two Indian Dances
Valse Etude
Valse Triste
Viennese Rondo
Viennese Rondo (secondo)
Village Dance
Woodland Legend
Yo Yo Tricks
You Are So Beautiful
You Light Up My Life
You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
Raccolte per piano solo
New Orleans Jazz Styles
More New Orleans Jazz Styles
Still More New Orleans Jazz Styles
New Orleans Jazz Styles 3 books & CD pack
New Orleans Jazz Styles, More NO. Jazz Styles, Still More N.O Jazz Styles CD
New Orleans Jazz Styles, More N.O. Jazz Styles, Still More N.O Jazz Styles MIDI
Seven Pieces in Seven Keys
Solo Repertoire Book 1
Solo Repertoire Book 2
Solo Repertoire Book 3
Solo Repertoire Book 4
Young Pianist's First Big Note Solos
Young Pianist's First Hymnal
Young Pianist's First Christmas
Composizioni per duetti al piano
Boogie Prelude
Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy
Espana Cani
Fiesta Mariachi
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Jazz Prelude
March of the Three Kings
March of the Toys
Playing in the Park
Sidewalk Cafe
Trepak from Nutcracker Suite
Viennese Rondo (secondo to solo)
Composizioni per terzetti al piano (a 6 mani)
Little Sparrow
Oriental Bazaar
Composizioni per 2 piano
On a Paris Boulevard
Portrait of Paris (2nd piano part)
Composizioni per 2 piano (a 8 mani)
Champagne Toccata

[modifica] Collegamenti esterni

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