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दक्षिण ओस्सेटिया - विकिपीडिया

दक्षिण ओस्सेटिया

विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से

Хуссар Ирыстон
სამხრეთ ოსეთი
Южная Осетия

South Ossetia
[[Image:{{{image_flag}}}|125px|Flag of South Ossetia]] [[Image:{{{image_coat}}}|110px|Coat of arms of South Ossetia]]
ध्वज कुलचिह्न
राष्ट्रवाक्य: {{{national_motto}}}
राष्ट्रगान: {{{national_anthem}}}
South Ossetia की स्थिति
राजधानी {{{capital}}}
{{{latd}}}°{{{latm}}}′ {{{latNS}}} {{{longd}}}°{{{longm}}}′ {{{longEW}}}
सबसे बड़ा शहर {{{largest_city}}}
राजभाषा(एँ) {{{official_languages}}}
 - कुल
 - जलीय (%)
{{{area}}} km² ([[List of countries and outlying territories by area|]])
{{{areami²}}} sq mi 
 - 2000 अनुमान
 - जनसंख्या का घनत्व
70,000 ([[en:List of countries by population|]])
{{{population_density}}}/km² ([[en:List of countries by population density|]])
{{{population_densitymi²}}}/sq mi 
सकल घरेलू उत्पाद (जीडीपी) (पीपीपी)
 - कुल
 - प्रतिव्यत्ति
[[As of {{{GDP_PPP_year}}}|{{{GDP_PPP_year}}}]] estimate
{{{GDP_PPP}}} ({{{GDP_PPP_rank}}})
{{{GDP_PPP_per_capita}}} ({{{GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank}}})
मानव विकास संकेतांक (एइचडीआइ) {{{HDI}}} ({{{HDI_rank}}}) – {{{HDI_category}}}
मुद्रा {{{currency}}} ({{{currency_code}}})
समय मण्डल
 - ग्रीष्म ऋतु (डेलाइट सेविंग टाइम)
इंटरनेट टॉप लेवेल डोमेन {{{cctld}}}
दूरभाष कोड +{{{calling_code}}}

Government of the Republic of South Ossetia
South Ossetia का ध्वज Coat of arms of South Ossetia
ध्वज Coat of arms
राष्ट्र-गान: {{{राष्ट्र-गान}}}
[[Image:{{{image_map}}}|250px|center|Location of South Ossetia]]
Capital Tskhinvali
{{coor dm|42|14|N|43|58|E|type:country({{{area}}})}}
आधिकारिक भाषाएं Ossetian, Russian1
 - President Eduard Kokoity
 - Prime Minister Yury Morozov
De facto independence from Georgia  
 - Declared November 28 1991 
 - Recognition none 
 - कुल [[{{{area_magnitude}}} m²|{{{area}}} km²]] ({{{area_rank}}})
{{{areami²}}} sq mi 
 - जन घनत्व {{{population_density}}}/km² ({{{population_density_rank}}})
{{{population_densitymi²}}}/sq mi
मुद्रा Russian ruble (RUB)
समय जो़न {{{time_zone}}} (UTC{{{utc_offset}}})
Internet TLD {{{cctld}}}
Provisional Administration of South Ossetia
South Ossetia का ध्वज Coat of arms of South Ossetia
ध्वज Coat of arms
[[Image:{{{image_map}}}|250px|center|Location of South Ossetia]]
Capital Kurta
आधिकारिक भाषाएं Ossetian, Georgian
 - Head of the Administration Dmitri Sanakoyev [१]
 - Interior Minister Jemal Karkusov
Temporary provisional administrative entity of Georgia 1  
 - Established April, 2007 
 - Recognition Only by Georgia 
 - कुल [[{{{area_magnitude}}} m²|{{{area}}} km²]] ({{{area_rank}}})
{{{areami²}}} sq mi 
 - जन घनत्व {{{population_density}}}/km² ({{{population_density_rank}}})
{{{population_densitymi²}}}/sq mi
मुद्रा Georgian lari (GEL)
समय जो़न {{{time_zone}}} (UTC{{{utc_offset}}})
Internet TLD {{{cctld}}}

South Ossetia (Ossetian: Хуссар Ирыстон, Khussar Iryston; साँचा:Lang-ka, Samkhret Oseti; साँचा:Lang-ru, Yuzhnaya Osetiya) was an autonomous oblast of Georgia in Soviet times. The majority of the territory including the capital of Tshkinvali is administered by the government of the de facto independent South Ossetian Republic, which declared independence from Georgia. South Ossetia's declaration of independence is not recognised by any country.[२] However parts of eastern and southern South Ossetia are controlled by the Georgian government. Georgia does not recognise South Ossetia as a distinct or independent entity. However in April of 2007, the Georgian government created a temporary administrative unit (Provisional Administrative Entity of South Ossetia [३]) headed by ethnic Ossetians (former members of separatist government) which would enable Tbilisi to administer the region through local leaders, negotiate with Ossetian authorities regarding its final status and conflict resolution.[४]

Static Wikipedia 2008 (March - no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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