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Imatge:Extrasolar Planets 2004-08-31.png - Viquipèdia

Imatge:Extrasolar Planets 2004-08-31.png

De Viquipèdia

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Taken from the JPL publication "Precursor Science for the Terrestrial Planet Finder" edited by P.R. Lawson, S.C. Unwin, and C.A. Beichman (JPL Pub 04-014, page 21, fig. 5, 5th Oct 2004)

[edit] Original Caption

Limiting sensitivity of techniques of planet finding. Shown in the above figure are the sensitivity limits of radial velocity surveys, astrometric surveys, microlensing surveys, and space-based transit techniques. The lines show 5-σ limits with 50 re-samples. The shaded areas show the expected progress towards the detection of Earth-like planets by 2006 and 2010. Planets in our Solar System are also indicated, as well as the highlighted target area of TPF science. The filled circles indicate the planets found by radial velocity surveys (blue), transit surveys (red), and microlensing surveys (yellow). The discovered extrasolar planets shown in this plot represent the reported findings up until 31 August 2004.

This image is copyrighted by the NASA/Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The JPL allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright notice Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech is displayed.

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actual22:11, 25 feb 20061.382×2.161 (1,12 MB)WinstonSmith (Hot Jupiters (along left edge, including red dots) discovered up to and including 31 August 2004.)

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