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Jane Wyman - Wikipedia, déi fräi Enzyklopedie

Jane Wyman

Vu Wikipedia, der fräier Enzyklopedie.

D'Jane Wyman am Virspill vu "Stage Fright" vum  Alfred Hitchcock
D'Jane Wyman am Virspill vu "Stage Fright" vum Alfred Hitchcock
D'Jane Wyman als jonk Schauspillerin
D'Jane Wyman als jonk Schauspillerin

D' Jane Wyman, mam richtegen Numm Sarah Jane Mayfield, gebuer de 4. Januar 1914 zu St. Joseph am Missouri a gestuerwen den 10. September 2007 zu Palm Springs, war eng US-amerikanesch Schauspillerin a Regisseurin.

Si huet hir Filmcarrière 1932 ugefaang. Tëscht 1940 an 1948 war si mam Schauspiller a spéideren US-President Ronald Reagan bestuet. Aus deem Bestietnes hate si ee Meedchen, d'Maureen (1941-2001), déi och Schauspillerin a Sängerin war.

D'Jane Wyman war am ganze fënnefmol bestuet, dovunner zweemol mat dem Fred Karger.

Wéi si am Ufank zu Hollywood war krut si nëmme kleng Rollen a Filmer. Fir sech iwwer Waaser ze hale mecht se Manicure a schafft als Standardistin. A Radiosshowe séngt si ënner dem Numm Jane Durell.

Den Duerchbroch als grouss Schauspillerin kënnt mam Film The Lost Weekend vum Billy Wilder am Joer 1945. En Oscar verdéngt si sech am Film Johnny Bellinda vum Jean Negulesco. Si hat soss nach Engagementer a Filmer vum Franck Capra, Raoul Walsh, Alfred Hitchcock an Douglas Sirk.

Zum Schluss vun hirer Carrière huet si an der Televisiounsserie Falcon Crest gespillt.

[Änneren] Filmographie (Auswiel)

  • The Kid from Spain (1932)
  • Elmer, the Great (1933)
  • All the King's Horses (1934)
  • College Rhythm (1934)
  • King of Burlesque (1935)
  • Rumba (1935)
  • George White's 1935 Scandals (1935)
  • Stolen Harmony (1935)
  • Anything Goes (1936)
  • My Man Godfrey (1936)
  • Stage Struck (1936)
  • Cain and Mabel (1936)
  • Here Comes Carter (1936)
  • Polo Joe (1936)
  • Gold Diggers of 1937 (1936)
  • Smart Blonde (1937)
  • Ready, Willing and Able (1937)
  • The King and the Chorus Girl (1937)
  • Slim (1937)
  • The Singing Marine (1937)
  • Public Wedding (1937)
  • Mr. Dodd Takes the Air (1937)
  • Over the Goal (1937)
  • The Spy Ring (1938)
  • He Couldn't Say No (1938)
  • Fools for Scandal (1938)
  • Wide Open Faces (1938)
  • The Crowd Roars (1938)
  • Brother Rat (1938)
  • Tail Spin (1939)
  • The Kid from Kokomo (1939)
  • Torchy Blane... Playing with Dynamite (1939)
  • Kid Nightingale (1939)
  • Private Detective (1939)
  • Brother Rat and a Baby (1940)
  • An Angel from Texas (1940)
  • Flight Angels (1940)
  • My Love Came Back (1940)
  • Gambling on the High Seas (1940)
  • Tugboat Annie Sails Again (1940)
  • Honeymoon for Three (1941)
  • Bad Men of Missouri (1941)
  • You're in the Army Now (1941)
  • The Body Disappears (1941)
  • Larceny, Inc. (1942)
  • My Favorite Spy (1942)
  • Footlight Serenade (1942)
  • Princess O'Rourke (1943)
  • Make Your Own Bed (1944)
  • The Doughgirls (1944)
  • Crime by Night (1944)
  • Hollywood Canteen (1944)
  • The Lost Weekend (1945)
  • One More Tomorrow (1946)
  • Night and Day (1946)
  • The Yearling (1946)
  • Cheyenne (1947)
  • Magic Town (1947)
  • Johnny Belinda (1948)
  • A Kiss in the Dark (1949)
  • The Lady Takes a Sailor (1949)
  • Stage Fright (1950)
  • The Glass Menagerie (1950)
  • Three Guys Named Mike (1951)
  • Here Comes the Groom (1951)
  • The Blue Veil (1951)
  • The Story of Will Rogers (1952)
  • Just for You (1952)
  • Let's Do It Again (1953)
  • So Big (1953)
  • Magnificent Obsession (1954)
  • Lucy Gallant (1955)
  • All That Heaven Allows (1955)
  • Miracle in the Rain (1956)
  • Holiday for Lovers (1959)
  • Pollyanna (1960)
  • Bon Voyage! (1962)
  • How to Commit Marriage (1969)~

Als Regisseurin

  • Thea Screen Director (1951) (Court métrage)

[Änneren] Um Spaweck

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