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[Bearbeiten] Jonadab

Ich wurde am 20. November 1979 in Karl-Marx-Stadt, was jetzt glücklicherweise wieder Chemnitz heißt, geboren. bei Wikipedia schrieb ich schon länger mit, doch als Benutzer habe ich mich erst am 3. März 2007 angemeldet. Im Jahre 1996 begann ich meine erste Ausbildung, die ich 2000 als Zahntechnikergeselle beendete. Dieser Beruf machte mir nach mehreren Jahren keinen Spaß mehr. So begann ich 2005 meine zweite Ausbildung als Beamter des mittleren nichttechnischen Dienstes der Staatlichen Sächsischen Sozialverwaltung. Diese Ausbildung schloss ich 2007 als Jahrgangsbester ab und wurde aus dem Beamtenverhältnis entlassen. Jetzt bin ich in der Verwaltung einer Chemnitzer Rehabilitationsklinik tätig.

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[Bearbeiten] UP

  • Englisch

The United Party was South Africa's ruling political party between 1934 and 1948. It was formed by a merger of most of Prime Minister Barry Hertzog's National Party with the rival South African Party of Jan Smuts. Its full name was the United National South African Party, but it was generally called the, "United Party." The party drew support from several different parts of South African society, including English-speakers, Afrikaners and 'Coloureds'.

Hertzog led the party until 1939. In that year, Hertzog refused to commit South Africa to Britain's war effort against Nazi Germany. Many Afrikaners who had fought in the Second Boer War were still alive, and the atrocities committed by the British during that conflict were fresh in their memory. Hertzog felt that siding with the former enemy would be unacceptable to Afrikaners. Furthermore, he could see little benefit for South Africa in taking part in a war that he saw as an essentially European affair.

The majority of the United Party caucus were of a different mind, however, and Hertzog resigned. Jan Smuts succeeded him and led the party and the country throughout World War II and the immediate post-war years.

Smuts and the United Party lost the 1948 election to the National Party. It was never to hold power again. J.G.N. Strauss succeeded Smuts in 1950, and was in turn replaced by Sir de Villiers Graaff in 1956 until 1977 Attrition characterized his leadership years, as the party slowly declined because of electoral gerrymandering, changes to South Africa's voting laws, including the removal of the 'Coloureds' - South Africans of mixed ancestry, who had been staunch United Party supporters - from the electoral rolls, and defections to other parties. In 1977, the United Party was renamed the New Republic Party, but a significant number of its parliamentarians refused to remain with the renamed party; some joined the anti-apartheid Progressive Federal Party and others eventually joined the ruling National Party. Elections in late 1977 left the New Republic Party gutted, with only 10 parliamentary seats, down from the 41 the United Party had held previously.

The UP's position on race relations in South Africa was a complex one; while the UP was more liberal in character than the National Party, it never clearly articulated its views on the best approach to them. Smuts himself alluded to the fact that at some unspecified point in the future, black South Africans might be asked to share power with the white minority, provided Black politicians demonstrated their commitment to 'civilized' norms of political and personal conduct. Generally, though, the UP seemed to have little difficulty in tacitly supporting apartheid. One of the reasons the UP fared so disastrously in the 1948 election was its lack of commitment to a clear policy on race relations. This stood in contrast to the National Party, which was firmly and unequivocally behind the notion of preserving white superiority at all costs.

The UP was against apartheid as a system, but also favoured the continuation of white minority rule. During the late 1960s the party tried to gain support by its resistance to the National Party's politics on giving land to the bantustans.

It is often said that the United Party was a more Anglo-African party.

  • Deutsch

Die United National South African Party (Afrikaans Verenigde Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Party) war die Regierungspartei Südafrikas in den Jahren von 1994 bis 1948. Sie ging am 5. Dezember 1934 aus der National Party und der South African Party hervor. Umgangssprachlich wurde sie einfach „United Party“ („Verenigde Party“) genannt. Unterstützung hatte sie in den verschiedensten Gruppen der südafrikanischen Gesellschaft, einschließlich Briten, Buren und Farbiger.

Ihr Vorsitzender war bis zum 4. September 1939 James Barry Munnick Hertzog. Aufgrund seiner neutralen Einstellung zum Zweiten Weltkrieg verlor er den Parteivorsitz und das Amt des Premierministers an Jan Smuts. Dieser regierte Südafrika während des Krieges und den unmittelbaren Nachkriegsjahren.

Smuts verlor mit der UP die Wahl von 1948 an die National Party. Von 1950 bis 1956 hatte Jacobus Gideon Nel Strauss den Parteivorsitz inne. Diesem folgte 1956 Sir David Pieter de Villiers Graaff.