ماءُ ٻوليءَ جو بين الاقوامي ڏڻ

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ڍاڪا بنگلاديش جي ڍاڪا يونيورسٽيءَ جي ڪيمپس ۾ موجود شهيد مينار، جيڪو 21 فيبروريءَ تي بنگالي ٻوليءَ لاءِ ڏنل قربانيءَ جي يادگار طور جوڙايو ويو.
ڍاڪا بنگلاديش جي ڍاڪا يونيورسٽيءَ جي ڪيمپس ۾ موجود شهيد مينار، جيڪو 21 فيبروريءَ تي بنگالي ٻوليءَ لاءِ ڏنل قربانيءَ جي يادگار طور جوڙايو ويو.

21 February was proclaimed the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO on 17 November 1999. Its observance was also formally recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution establishing 2008 as the International Year of Languages.[1]

International Mother Language Day originated as the international recognition of Language Movement Day, which has been commemorated in Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) since 1952, when a number of Bangladeshi university students were killed by the East Pakistan police and army in Dhaka.

International Mother Language Day is observed yearly by UNESCO member states and at its headquarters to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.


[سنواريو] تاريخ

21هين فيبروري 1952ع، ۽ بنگالي مورخيي مطابق 8 فالگن 1359ع تي پوليس انهن شاگردن تي سڌيون گوليون وسايون جيڪي بنگالي ٻوليءَ جي سرڪاري تسليميءَ لاءِ احتجاج ڪري رهيا هئا. [2]

21هين مارچ 1948ع تي هڪ عام گڏجاڻيءَ کي خطاب ڪندي، محمد علي جيڻا چيو ته سموري پاڪستان جي واحد قومي ۽ سرڪاري ٻولي اردو هوندي. ڏکڻ پاڪستان (هاڻوڪو بنگلاديش) جي بنگالي ڳالهائيندڙ اڪثريت ان فيصلي خلاف احتجاج شروع ڪيو. ڪنهن شاگرد تنظيم 21هين فيبروري 1954ع تي سموري ڏکڻ پاڪستان ۾ هڙتال جو سڏ ڏنو. پر حڪومت 20هين فيبروريءَ تي سيڪشن 144 لاڳو ڪري ڇڏيو. شاگرد تنظيم 21هين فيبروريءَ تي صبح جو پنهنجو احتجاج جاري رکڻ جو فيصلو ڪيو. پوليس سندن احتجاجي ميڙ تي فائرڱ ڪندي ڪيترا ئي شاگرد قتل ڪري ڇڏيا.

[سنواريو] Annual themes

The observances of International Year of Languages tend to have a theme, indicated either in the formal program set for observance at UNESCO headquarters, or more explicitly in the publicity.[3]

  • 2000, Inaugural celebration of International Mother Language Day
  • 2001, Second annual celebration
  • 2002, Linguistic Diversity: 3,000 Languages in Danger (slogan: In the galaxy of languages, every word is a star)
  • 2003, Fourth annual celebration
  • 2004, Children's learning (the observance at UNESCO included "a unique exhibition of children’s exercise books from around the world illustrating the process by which children learn and master the use of written literacy skills in the classroom"[4])
  • 2005, Braille and Sign languages
  • 2006, Languages and Cyberspace
  • 2007, Multilingual education
  • 2008, International Year of Languages

[سنواريو] بين الاقوامي تقريبون

  • The Linguapax Prize is presented annually on International Mother Language Day.
  • UNESCO sets the theme for each International Mother Language Day and holds related events at its headquarters in Paris on or around 21 February each year.
  • In 2008, the International Year of Languages will be formally launched on International Mother Language Day

[سنواريو] حوالا

[سنواريو] پڻ ڏسندا


  • Bengali language
  • First language
  • Bengali Language Movement

[سنواريو] خارجي ڳنڍڻا

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