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Bild:Wikinews-logo.png - Wikipedia, déi fräi Enzyklopedie


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The Wikinews logo without text. This is a cropped version of Image:Wikinews-logo-en.png.

Note that the Wikinews project itself is at Wikinews:Main Page.

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The Wikimedia logo


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Versioun vumDimesiounenBenotzerBemierkung
aktuell07:37, 1. Aug. 2005800×415 (142 KB)Evil Monkey (Reverted to earlier revision)
03:22, 25. Jun. 2005800×415 (142 KB)Dbenbenn (cropped Image:Wikinews-logo-en.png at 800x415+0+22)
13:02, 30. Mee 2005135×72 (9 KB)Schaengel89 (version with text here)
04:30, 10. Abr 2005135×104 (12 KB)Dbenbenn (losslessly compressed with pngcrush and advpng; saves 22%)
06:31, 8. Abr 2005135×104 (16 KB)Eloquence (new version by DV)
21:49, 12. Feb. 2005135×104 (14 KB)Eloquence (Preliminary Wikinews logo. {{CopyrightByWikimedia}})
Static Wikipedia 2008 (March - no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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