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Update 3/30/08: Salvete omnes! If you have ever wanted to know how other neo-Latin sites on the web (various nuntii Latini, vatican pages, blogs, others) use Latin to write about the modern world (politics? technology? celebrity gossip?), visit scrutarius.com to search these other sites and vicipaedia in one click of the mouse. The site is still in its beta stages; observations gladly accepted! Brought to you by Montivagus (and Google).

Salvete omnes! Si umquam scire voluistis quomodo alii situs neo-Latini (nonnulli nuntii Latini, paginae Vaticanae, blogs, alia) utantur lingua Latina ut mundum hodiernum (res politicas? technologiam? rumores de hominibus famosis?) describant, visitate scrutarius.com ut scrutemini hos situs atque Vicipaediam mure semel tuso. Hic situs noniam perficitur, ergo vestras opiniones feliciter audiam! 04:44, 31 Martii 2008 (UTC)

[recensere] Primus Nuntius

Salvete omnes. I'm a classics grad student in the US and I've been a user of Vicipaedia for about a week (as of 3/30/07). As you may already realize, I'm completely addicted.

Virtually all of my experience in Latin composition before Vicipaedia comes from some brief spurts of self study. In the last week of composing articles I have learned more about Latin than I thought I could learn in a year. For a small example, 'propterquod', a common standby in my articles for 'on account of which, therefore', is not listed in the OLD (though a Google search turns up a few pages). Eheu. The anecdote from Philostratus VS 579 (if my notes are right) springs to mind, where one Philagrus, who has just uttered an ἔκφυλον ῥῆμα, responds to a query about the propriety of that word by saying it can be found "in Philagrus."

These are the Latin language resources that I keep at hand, listed more or less in descending order of frequency of use:

  • Cassell's Latin and English Dictionary (mostly for the English to Latin section)
  • C. Lewis Elementary Latin Dictionary (with brief helps for Latin readers) (Oxford, repr. 1993)
  • J. Traupman, Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency, 2nd ed., (Bolchazy-Carducci, 2001)
  • J. Mountford, Bradley's Arnold Latin Prose Composition, (McKay, repr. 1965)
  • C. Meissner, Latin Phrase Book, trns. H.W. Auden, (Hippocrene, 1998)
  • A. Mahoney, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar, (Focus, 2001)
  • OLD

I can express myself only in English (et, ut spero, Latine), but feel free to leave me notes in German, Greek, or any of the widely-used Romance languages.

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