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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Sauropsida
Infraclass: Archosauromorpha
(unranked) Crurotarsi
Order: Phytosauria
Family: Phytosauridae
  • P. cylindricodon (type)
  • P. cubicodon
  • P. doughtyi
  • P. scolopax

Phytosaurus is a dubious genus of phytosaur (an extinct group of superficially crocodile-like archosaurs), and also the first phytosaur to be described, by G. Jaeger in 1828. It had a crocodile-like body structure, but its nostrils were on it's forehead, not the tip of its snout. The name Phytosaurus means "plant lizard" (though it is now known to have been a carnivore), and the type species is P. cylindricodon.
