Physical plane

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Planes of existence

Subtle bodies


1. Divine plane: Deity Spirit; Word
2. Oversoulful plane: Holy Spirit
3. Spiritual plane: Spirit
4. Soulful plane: Soul
5a. Higher mental plane: mind
5b. Causal plane: Causal body
5c. Mental plane: body, projection
6. Astral plane: body, projection
7a-b. Etheric-Material plane:
Ethereal body, Material body, OBE


The 7 Worlds & the 7 Cosmic Planes
The Seven-fold constitution of Man
The Ten-fold constitution of Man


Body of light | Thelemic mysticism

Surat Shabda Yoga



Sufi cosmology

Lokas - Kosas
Buddhist cosmology
Atziluth -> Beri'ah -> Yetzirah -> Assiah


Fourth Way

Ray of Creation
The Laws
Three Centers and Five Centers

Dungeons and Dragons

  Inner Plane
  Prime Material Plane
  Outer Plane

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The physical plane, physical world, or physical universe in Hermeticism, Theosophical, Rosicrucian and New Age thought refers to the visible reality of space and time, energy and matter. In contrast to what is often refered to as Western secular modernist thought, the physical universe is in occult and esoteric cosmology only the lowest or densest of a whole series of planes of existence.

In Hindu cosmology, it is called Bhuloka.

[edit] References