Philippe Labbe

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Philippe Labbe (10 July 1607 - 16 or 17 March, 1667) was a French Jesuit writer on historical, geographical, and philological questions.

Born in Borges, he entered the Society of Jesus on 28 September 1623. After literary, philosophical, and theological studies, he successively taught classes of rhetoric and philosophy; then he held for five years the chair of theology. His memory was quick and retentive, his erudition most extensive and accurate; every year witnessed the production of one or more of his works, so that in the field of history Labbe and Petavius have been considered the most remarkable of all French Jesuits.

He died in Paris.

[edit] Selected works

  • Trirocinium Linguæ Græcæ etc. (1648)
  • La Géographie royale (1646)
  • De Byzantinæ historiæ scriptoribus, etc. (1648)
  • Concordia sacræ et profanæ chronologiæ annorum 5691 ab orbe condito ad hunc Christi annum 1638 (1638)
  • Bibliotheca antijanseniana (1654)
  • Bibliotheca bibliothecarum (1664)
  • Sancrosancti Oecumenici Tridentini Concilii . . . canones et decreta (1667)
  • Sacrosancta concilia ad regiam editionem exacta (with Gabriel Cossart)

[edit] References

This article incorporates text from the entry Philippe Labbe in the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.
