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Portal:Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Albania Portal

Albania, officially the Republic of Albania (Albanian Republika e Shqipërisë pronounced [ɾɛˈpublika ɛ ʃcipəˈɾiːs], or simply Shqipëria) is a country in South Eastern Europe. Albania is bordered by Greece to the south-east, Montenegro to the north, Kosovo to the northeast, and the Republic of Macedonia to the east. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the west, and on the Ionian Sea to the southwest. From the Strait of Otranto, Albania is less than 100 km (60 miles) from Italy.

Albania is a parliamentary democracy that is transforming its economy into a market-oriented system. It is a potential candidate for membership in the European Union and has been officially invited to NATO.[1]


Selected article

Apollonia in Illyria (modern Albania), known as Apollonia, was located on the right bank of the Aous, the ruins of which are situated in the Fier region, near the village of[Pojan (Pojani), geographically located at 40°43′N 19°28′E. It was founded in 588 BCE by Greek colonists from Kerkyra (Corfu) and Corinth, and was perhaps the most important of the several classical towns known as Apollonia. The site was already used by Corinthian traders and the Taulantii, an Illyrian tribe, who remained closely involved with the settlement for centuries and lived alongside the Greek colonists. The city was said to have originally been named Gylaceia after Glyax, its founder, but the name was later changed to honour the god Apollo.


Selected picture

Apollonia Odeon (Theater)

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Web resources


Albania news

Portal:Albania/Albania news


Selected biography

Marie Logoreci (born September 23, 1920 in Shkoder, Albania). She is an actress of Albanian films and drama. She has appeared in several films such as Skanderbeg, Fëmijet e Saj, Toka Jonë. Marie is also well known for her acting on television, such as her recurring appearances on Gjenerali i Ushtrise se Vdekur. She was the most famous on her dramas with her acting.





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