
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en This user is a native speaker of English.
1337-2 7h15 u53r 15 48l3 70 (0n7r18u+3
\/\/i7h 4|\| |1|\|73rm3d14+3 l3\/3l 0f 1337.
php-3 This user is an advanced PHP programmer.
java-2 This user is forced to program in Java, and is an intermediate Java programmer.
C-3 This user is an advanced C user.
vim This user prefers vim.
Since no-one is perfect, this user reserves the right to completely screw up his or her edits.
This user contributes using Linux.
cvg-4 This user is an expert gamer.
This user is opposed to drugs and any kind of legalization of them. Except Coffee and V
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My real name is Matthew, I started visting Wikipedia in Nov 2004. If you are wondering where my nick came from then look here.


[edit] About me

I use Linux ( Gentoo and Slackware 10.0 ) mainly but will often use Windows XP for FPSs like Red Faction, etc ( until the big crash occured and i ditched it ). Not to mention a bit of Warcraft III and Frozen Throne. I program in C, PHP and know (X)HTML ans CSS. I do some web-designing for Champion Dragway, the only permanent dragstrip in the North Island of New Zealand, including running a private wiki for them. I consider my web designing to be minimalistic and despise large flash intro pages or excessive use of Javascript. I am studying at the University of Auckland at the moment.

[edit] Details

Email :
Web site :
Blog :

Webmaster for :


Other aliases :

  1. paranoidgeek
  2. twomcm ( for when i am unable to use numbers in my username )

Public key : User:2mcm/PKey ( check page history before using ).

[edit] Few random things

I dont like calling Microsoft names that involve Borgs. Why ? Because i think Borgs are cool.

[edit] My choice of software

Normally use     Like technically    Dont use
mcedit Vi Emacs
Linux CLI-Linux Windows
:ZeroOne/Userboxes/php :Quasar Jarosz/Userboxes/Perl ASP
KDE Enlightment GNOME
Apache nc! IIS

[edit] Wiki articles that i wish to fix sometime

These are pages that i may get round to improving sometime.

create/redirect article(s).

[edit] Wiki articles for software that i find of interest

Regarding the whole GNU/Linux naming thing, i think that there are cases where this is the correct naming but normally i think it should be called Linux. In the same way it would be technically correct to call a certain system IE/Office/Windows then the Linux form of that would be GNU/Linux ie Linux is the OS but GNU provided some of the programs / apps that run on the OS. However most of what i use is stuff like Vim, Firefox, KDE, OOo, etc all of which are most certainly not GNU nor are they all even licenced in a way which GNU likes.

While i agree ( to some extent ) that companys need to protect their products, they shouldnt have to steal my computer to do so.

[edit] Links for my use

[edit] Quotes

"Dont argue, you cannnot win, you cannot beat a woman in an argument, It is impossible, you will not win, Because men, we are handdicapted when it comes to argueing, Because we have a need to make sense." -- Chris Rock

"Windows 95 is the games platform" --Bill Gates

Released into public domain
I agree to release my text and image contributions, unless otherwise stated, into the public domain. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under public domain terms, please check the multi-licensing guide.