User talk:

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[edit] Dog meat

What you define as "grotesque", others might describe as "delicious" or "appetizing". A vegetarian might find a photo of a t-bone steak "grotesque", but that doesn't mean we need to start deleting photos of t-bone steaks. There is nothing sensationalist about the photo. That is how cooked dog meat is sold in a market. Everything you see in the photo is used in the preparation of a dog dish. A "sensationalist" photo might have shown the dog hanging by a meat hook through its jaw or possibly a shot of the dog being skinned. This is how dog meat is sold in markets all over Asia. The photo deserves to stay in the article. VietGrant 04:47, 9 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] User gravitor

user Gravitor is believed to be using this IP for anonymous posts.

Ummmm. No. I am not Gravitor.
I would have to agree. If I am wrong, you should consider signing up for an account if you intend on posting regularly to the talk pages. Having a user name would give your comments more credibility. Lunokhod 09:54, 10 February 2007 (UTC)