2007–2008 Ethiopian crackdown in Ogaden

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Ethiopian crackdown in Ogaden
Part of the Insurgency in Ogaden
Image:Ogaden rebels.jpg
Rebels filmed in a rare Al Jazeera report from the Ogaden
Date June 2007 - May 2008
Location Ethiopian Somali region
Result Indecisive; Ethiopians claim victory, ONLF denies that[1]
Flag of Ethiopia Military of Ethiopia ONLF
Meles Zenawi Unknown
Casualties and losses
950 killed (ONLF claim[2][3]) ~500 killed (Ethiopian claim[4])
Civilian casualties:
<1,000 killed[5]

The 20072008 Ethiopian crackdown in Ogaden (called also Ethiopia’s Dirty War by several media[5][6]) was a campaign involving the Ethiopian Army on the offensive against the rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF). The crackdown against the guerrillas began after they killed 74 people in an attack on a Chinese-run oil exploration field in April 2007.

The main military operations were centered around the towns of Degehabur, Kebri Dahar, Wardheer and Shilavo in Ogaden, which are in the Ethiopian Somali Region. The area is home to the Ogaden clan, seen as the bedrock of support to the ONLF.[7]

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), various human rights abuses were perpetrated by the Ethiopian military. Hundreds of civilians were killed and tens of thousands were displaced in 2007 alone, though exact figures are unknown because the area is remote and Ethiopian officials restrict access for humanitarian groups and journalists.[8] Several human rights organizations compared the situation in Ogaden to the plight of civilians in the Darfur War in Sudan.[9]


[edit] Background

[edit] Insurgency

Main article: Insurgency in Ogaden

Ethiopia's eastern Somali Region, known as Region 5, whose eastern part constitutes the Ogaden, is the site of a long-running, low-intensity armed conflict between the Ethiopian government and the ONLF.[10]

Formed in 1984, many of the ONLF's members had supported Somalia in a failed war with Ethiopia over the region in the 1970s. The group's aims have varied over time from independence to joining a "greater Somalia" or getting greater autonomy within Ethiopia.[11]

The ONLF fought against the military dictatorship of Mengistu Haile Mariam, but was not allied to the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF), the rebel movement led by Ethiopia's current prime minister, Meles Zenawi. In 1992, after the Ethiopian Civil War, the ONLF won control of the government of Ethiopia's newly formed Somali region. However, the ONLF's open advocacy of secession for Somali region and its frosty relations with the ruling party led to its ouster from government in 1994.[10]

The ONLF then reverted to waging armed attacks against the Ethiopian government, which has continued in the intervening years. For more than a decade, a heavy Ethiopian military presence in the region has been accompanied by widespread reports of human rights abuses committed by both sides. Those reports have generally been difficult to confirm because of the Ethiopian military's effective closure of the region to independent research and reporting.[10]

[edit] April-May 2007 ONLF attacks

List of abbreviations used in this article

ONLF: Ogaden National Liberation Front
TPLF: Tigrayan People's Liberation Front
UN: United Nations
HRW: Human Rights Watch
ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross
OCHA: Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UIC: Union of Islamic Courts

Main article: Abole raid

On April 24, 2007, members of the ONLF attacked a Chinese-run oil field in Abole, Somali Region, killing approximately 65 Ethiopians and 9 Chinese nationals.[12] The ONLF claimed it had "completely destroyed" the oilfield. Most of the Ethiopians killed in the attack were daily laborers, guards and other support staff. Some members of the Ethiopian security officials were also killed during the surprise attack. It was the most deadly single attack by the ONLF.[13] On April 27, Ethiopian government spokesperson reported that ONLF rebels had detonated a "grenade," killing one person who was attending a funeral of family member killed during the prior attack.[14]

On May 28, ONLF fighters allegedly targeted two large gatherings in Jigjiga and Degahabur with hand grenades. The blasts, and the crowd stampedes that followed, killed 17 people and wounded dozens, including the regional president of Somali region. Most of those who died in these two simultaneous attacks were civilians, including a 17 year-old school boy and a number of women. The ONLF denied responsibility for the attacks, but Human Rights Watch says the organization has in the past targeted civilian officials and clan leaders who refuse to support the insurgency.[10]

[edit] Timeline

In June, the Ethiopian military swooped in and vowed "to hunt down" the rebels. They began this effort by closing all roads into the region to commercial and humanitarian traffic.[15]

On June 18, in Labiga village, south of the town of Degehabur, Ethiopian forces allegedly killed 21 villagers who resisted when Ethiopian forces tried to take their livestock.[10]

Areas of fighting shown in dark red
Areas of fighting shown in dark red

The ONLF announced a ceasefire on September 2 while a U.N. mission was due to assess their claims of human rights abuses. "Effective immediately, armed forces of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) will cease all offensive military operations against regime troops and sponsored militias for the duration of the U.N. fact finding mission," the ONLF said.[16]

On October 21, 2007 an ONLF statement said its forces had killed 250 soldiers during the battle near the town of Wardheer. There was no confirmation of the attack either from the Ethiopian government or from independent sources.[17] On November 4, the ONLF claimed that up to 270 Ethiopian soldiers had been killed in clashes between October 26 and November 1. Once again, the claim could not be independently verified.[18]

On November 16, 2007 the Ethiopian army claimed to have killed 100 ONLF fighters during the past month, and to have captured hundreds more.[19][20]

On November 18, 2007 the ONLF reported that the Ethiopian air force has been carpet bombing villages and nomadic settlements the Ogaden region, killing up to a dozen civilians.[21][20] An ONLF spokesman also said that some ONLF fighters were hurt in the air bombardments, but the air force targeted civilian settlements and livestock.[20] The Ethiopian government denied these reports on November 20.[22]

On November 28, 2007, Ogaden residents described continued abuses on the part of the military, but also said that aid delivery had improved.[23] UN humanitarian chief John Holmes said the humanitarian situation in Ogaden as "potentially serious" but not yet catastrophic.[23] Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said that human rights abuses and a humanitarian crisis "didn't exist. Doesn't exist. Will not exist."[23]

On February 26, 2008, rebels said they killed 43 soldiers during two weeks of battles in the northern Ogaden region, but the government said there had not even been fighting in the area. "The bulk of the fighting has taken place in northern Ogaden in and around Nogob province," the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) said in a statement.[24][25]

The Ethiopian PM Meles Zenawi said on May 21, 2008 that the Ogaden National Liberation Front had been largely “neutralised” by the military offensive going on for a year. “There is no organised ONLF operation in the Somali region. It has been neutralised,” he said. “There may be a few individuals and we are picking them one-by-one.” The ONLF denies that, saying despite a campaign of terror in the region, the army has not defeated it.[26] According to a Human Rights Watch report, reports of village burnings and relocations have diminished in 2008.[27]

[edit] Human rights abuses

[edit] Ethiopian military brutality

Ethiopian Somali region and major flashpoints
Ethiopian Somali region and major flashpoints

Ethiopia's military campaign has triggered a serious humanitarian crisis. The Ogaden National Liberation Movement accuses the government of blockading the region deliberately in order to produce a "man-made famine".[28]

Civilians in Somali region are trapped between the warring parties. Human Rights Watch learned that dozens of civilians have been killed in what appears to be a deliberate effort to mete out collective punishment against a civilian population suspected of sympathizing with the rebels.[6]

The Ethiopian military attacks on villages have displaced civilians in the Werder, Korahe and Degehabur Zones, even in areas where there is no known ONLF presence. Ethiopian troops were destroying villages and property, confiscating livestock and forcing civilians to relocate. Whatever the military strategy behind them, according to the HRW these abuses violate the laws of war.[10]

Refugees fleeing the crackdown told stories of widespread violence, with entire villages being destroyed along with arbitrary theft, rape and murder by Ethiopian soldiers.[29] In October 2007, The Independent reported that the situation in Ogaden had begun to mirror the Darfur conflict, with refugees stating that government troops had burned villages and raped and killed civilians.[30] Earlier in the month, Human Rights Watch had told the United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health that "the Ogaden is not Darfur. But the situation in Ogaden follows a frighteningly familiar pattern", while recognizing that "Ethiopia has legitimate and serious domestic and regional security concerns."[31][32] Also, the United Nations advocacy director for Human Rights Watch has called Ogaden a "mini-Darfur". Human Rights Watch says it has documented dozens of cases of severe abuse by Ethiopian troops in the Ogaden, including gang rapes, burned villages and what it calls "demonstration killings," like hanging and beheading of populace, meant to terrorize the population.[9]

[edit] Forceful draft of civilians

Several Ethiopian refugees and international organizations reported in December 2007 that the Ethiopian military, strained by its deployment in Somalia, was forcing local civilians (including government employees and health workers) to fight alongside troops against the ONLF rebels. According to the same reports, these under-equipped and poorly trained militias suffered heavy casualties in several battles. One Western aid official said soldiers barged into hospitals to draft recruits and threatened to jail health workers if they did not comply. In other cases, lists of names were posted on public bulletin boards, ordering government employees to report for duty, according to a current member of the regional parliament and two Ethiopian administrators who have fled the country. Many of those who refused were fired, jailed and in some cases tortured, the administrators and parliament member said.[33]

Ethiopian officials denied the charges, claiming that local tribes were willingly forming defense groups against the ONLF. Several United Nations officials and Western diplomats said they were discussing the militia program in private meetings, but contended they could not comment publicly for fear of provoking the ire of the Ethiopian government, resulting in a possible suspension of humanitarian efforts in the region.[33]

[edit] Expulsions of humanitarian agencies

Large parts of the region were inaccessible to outside agencies as Ethiopian troops attempted to suppress the rebel insurgency.[34]

In July 2007, the Red Cross was given seven days to leave the Ogaden region by the Ethiopian government. The ICRC has been carrying out water and sanitation projects there.[35] International aid agency Medecins Sans Frontiers accused Ethiopia of denying it access to the Ogaden region on September 1, 2007.[36]

On November 6, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) announced it is opening an aid facility in the Ogaden region. The U.N. has also called for an independent investigation into allegations of human rights abuses by Ethiopian forces in the region. Government troops are fighting Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) rebels who want more autonomy for their region.[37] Medecins Sans Frontiers is among the 12 organizations that have received permission to work in Ogaden, while the ICRC is still barred from working in the region.[37]

[edit] Controversy involving Qatar

In the beginning of April 2008, the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera news network aired a series of reports on the Ogaden region. Ethiopia severed diplomatic relations with the Gulf state on April 21, 2008.[38]

In its statement, the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry said it was because of "Qatar's attempts to destabilise the sub-region and its hostility towards Ethiopia itself". It accused Qatar of being blinded by arrogance and remaining deaf to all Ethiopia's attempts to persuade it to change its ways. Foreign Ministry sources reported that the Ethiopian government believes Qatar was giving substantial sums of money - amounting to circa $150,000 a month - to Eritrea, which then go on to fund the Ogaden National Liberation Front.[39]

In response, the official Qatari QNA news agency cited a foreign ministry spokesman as saying Doha was "surprised" by Addis Ababa’s "unfounded and untruthful allegations," and saw them as "a deliberate attempt to justify its own erroneous policies."[40] The ONLF also criticized the Ethiopian move. "If there has been a destabilising factor in the Horn of Africa, it has been the regime currently in power in Ethiopia," the Ogaden National Liberation Front said in a statement. "The Ethiopian regime's severing of diplomatic relations with Qatar is based on accusations which are far from reality and designed to divert attention from yet another unfolding African genocide in Ogaden."[38]

[edit] Links to the war in Somalia and Eritrea's support to the rebels

The current campaign in the Somali region is also linked to Ethiopian military operations in Somalia. One motive for Ethiopia's ouster of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) in December 2006 may have been to cut the links between the ONLF, the ruling Islamic Courts and Eritrea, including arms and logistical supply lines from Eritrea and Somalia to the ONLF in Ethiopia's eastern region.[10]

Experts say the ONLF was active in the Somali capital Mogadishu in 2006 when it was controlled by Islamic Courts Union and that some Islamist fighters may have fled to Ogaden after they were ousted from Mogadishu.[7]

Ethiopia accuses neighboring Eritrea of using the ONLF to start a proxy war to destroy Ethiopia's economy. The two nations have been bitter enemies since they fought an unresolved border war in 1998-2000. Officials in Asmara deny that Eritrea is aiding the ONLF. They accuse Ethiopia of using Eritrea as a scapegoat for its inability to settle disputes with Ethiopia's numerous ethnic groups.[41]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Ethiopia says troops to stay in Somalia - International Herald Tribune
  2. ^ "Ogaden rebels say 43 Ethiopian soldiers killed in ambush attack," Sudan Tribune, July 3, 2007.
  3. ^ "Ethiopia army claims killing around 100 Ogaden rebels," AFP, November 16, 2007.
  4. ^ "Ethiopia says 500 Ogaden rebels killed," NEWS.com.au, August 8, 2007.
  5. ^ a b McLure, Jason. "Caught in Ethiopia’s War," Newsweek, January 22, 2008.
  6. ^ a b Porteous, Tom."Ethiopia's dirty war," Guardian Unlimited (re-published by Human Rights Watch), August 05, 2007.
  7. ^ a b Ethiopia Ogaden crisis, Reuters AlertNet, 1st December, 2007.
  8. ^ Sanders, Edmund. "Ethiopia war gets little attention," Los Angeles Times, March 23, 2008.
  9. ^ a b Gettleman, Jeffrey. "In Rebel Region, Ethiopia Turns to Civilian Patrols," The New York Times, December 14, 2007.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Ethiopia: Crackdown in East Punishes Civilians, Human Rights Watch, July 4, 2007.
  11. ^ Unrest simmers in Ethiopia's Ogaden, AlJazeera, April 15, 2008.
  12. ^ "Ethiopian Rebels Kill 70 at Chinese-Run Oil Field", The New York Times, 2007-04-24. Retrieved on 2007-04-24. 
  13. ^ ONLF massacre detailed
  14. ^ "Ethiopian rebels attack family mourning victim of earlier rebel assault,", Associated Press, April 27, 2007
  15. ^ Connors, Will. "Why we don't hear about the conflict in the Ogaden," Slate Magazine, Sept. 5, 2007.
  16. ^ "Ethiopian rebels announce ceasefire to let U.N. mission work," eitb24.com, September 2, 2007.
  17. ^ "Rebels claim 250 troops killed," Herald Sun, October 23, 2007.
  18. ^ "Ethiopian rebels claim killing of more than 270 troops" (HTML), Google News, AFP, 2007-11-05. Retrieved on 2007-11-06. (English) "'In the period 26 October through 1st November these engagements resulted in over 270 troops killed with an unconfirmed number wounded,' the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) group said in a statement." 
  19. ^ "Ethiopia army claims killing around 100 Ogaden rebels" (HTML), Google News, AFP, 2007-11-16. Retrieved on 2007-11-16. (English) "'Around 100 terrorists from the ONLF have been killed after regrouping in the Lander area,' the television quoted Colonel Gebregziabher Beyene, an army field commander as saying. 'Several hundred others, including seven top leaders and two Eritreans, were captured,' he said, explaining that small arms, RPG launchers and explosives were recovered." 
  20. ^ a b c "Ethiopia 'bombs' Ogaden villages" (HTML), BBC News, BBC, 2007-11-19. Retrieved on 2007-11-19. (English) "Separatist rebels in Ethiopia's Ogaden region say days of air attacks on civilians have caused many casualties." 
  21. ^ Gettleman, Jeffrey. "Separatist Rebels Accuse Ethiopia’s Military of Killing Civilians in Remote Region," The New York Times, November 20, 2007.
  22. ^ "Ethiopia denies reports of Ogaden helicopter attacks" (HTML), Reuters Africa, Reuters, 2007-11-20. Retrieved on 2007-11-20. (English) "'The so-called air and helicopter attacks in the Somali region never happened,' Information Ministry spokesman Zemedkun Tekele said." 
  23. ^ a b c "Soldiers continue human rights abuses in Ethiopia's beleaguered southeast, say residents" (HTML), International Herald Tribune, Associated Press, 2007-11-28. Retrieved on 2007-11-29. (English) "Ethiopian soldiers have abused civilians, committing arson and rape, in a southeastern area where they are fighting rebels, but there have been some improvements in aid delivery, residents said." 
  24. ^ "Ethio-Som troops come under blasts in Mogadishu," Shabelle Media Network, May 12, 2008.
  25. ^ "Military Communiqué," Ogaden National Liberation Front, February 26, 2008.
  26. ^ Ethiopia says troops to stay in Somalia - International Herald Tribune
  27. ^ http://hrw.org/reports/2008/ethiopia0608/9.htm#_Toc200167137
  28. ^ "Ethiopia deadline for Red Cross," BBC News, July 24, 2007.
  29. ^ Ethiopia starves, kills own people, its refugees say," GaroweOnline, September 15, 2007.
  30. ^ Bloomfield, Steve (2007-10-17). Ethiopia's 'own Darfur' as villagers flee government-backed violence (HTML) (English). The Independent. Independent News and Media Ltd. Retrieved on 2007-10-23. “[Refugees'] stories reveal the brutality of Ethiopia's hidden war, a brutal counter-insurgency that some aid officials believe has parallels with Darfur.”
  31. ^ Saman Zarifi. Testimony of Saman Zarifi, Human Rights Watch’s Washington Advocate (HTML) (English). U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs. Retrieved on 2007-10-23.
  32. ^ Kennedy, Brian (2007-10-03). Ethiopia: Advocate Says Ogaden Crisis Strikingly Similar to Darfur (HTML) (English). AllAfrica.com. AllAfrica. Retrieved on 2007-10-23.
  33. ^ a b Gettleman, Jeffrey. "Civilians are forced to fight Ethiopian rebels," International Herald Tribune, December 14, 2007.
  34. ^ Ethiopia rebels 'agree UN truce', BBC News, September 2, 2007.
  35. ^ Ethiopia deadline for Red Cross, BBC News, July 24, 2007.
  36. ^ Plaut, Martin. "Ethiopia 'blocking MSF in Ogaden'," BBC News, September 1 2007.
  37. ^ a b Malone, Barry. "UN to open office in Ethiopia's troubled Ogaden" (HTML), Africa.reuters.com, Reuters, 2007-11-06. Retrieved on 2007-11-06. (English) 
  38. ^ a b "Rebels criticise Ethiopia for breaking ties with Qatar, AFP, April 21, 2008.
  39. ^ Ethiopia severs ties with Qatar. BBC News, Monday, 21 April 2008.
  40. ^ "Qatar surprised at rift with Ethiopia," Sudan Tribune, April 24, 2008.
  41. ^ VOA - Ethiopian Rebel Group Denies Support From Eritrea

[edit] External links