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Wicipedia:Ychwanegu delwedd at dudalen - Wicipedia

Wicipedia:Ychwanegu delwedd at dudalen

Oddi ar Wicipedia

For multimedia in general (images, sound files, etc.) see Wikipedia:Multimedia. To upload an image, visit Special:Upload.

[golygu] Rules of thumb

Here's a quick checklist of rules for use of images. After the list, a more detailed discussion explains the reasoning behind them. See also Wikipedia:Sound for information on uploading and listening to sound files.

  1. Keep copyrights in mind when uploading images.
  2. Use the image description page to describe an image and its copyright situation.
  3. Use a clear, detailed title. Note that if any image with the same title has already been uploaded, it will be replaced with your new one.
  4. Upload a high-resolution version of your image whenever possible, and use the automatic thumbnailing option of the Wikipedia image markup to scale down the image. Do not scale down the image yourself, as scaled-down images may be of limited use in the future. Preferably use thumbnails lesser than 35 kilobytes in size (70 kB at most).
  5. Edit the images to show just the relevant subject.
  6. If you create an image that contains text, please upload also a version without any text. It will help Wikipedias in other languages use them (translate them).
  7. Don't put photo credits in articles or on the images themselves; put them on the description page.
  8. Use JPEG format for photographic images, and PNG format for icons, drawings, maps, flags, and such.
  9. Add a good alternative text for images.
  10. Think carefully if offensive pictures are really necessary. Consider providing a link to the picture, and a warning of the picture's contents, rather than place it directly in the article. If you have concerns regarding the appropriateness of an image, discuss it on the relevant article talk page.

[golygu] Copyright (images)

Please note: the following is not the official copyright policy - it is merely a reminder and also gives some additional tips.

When you upload an image, make sure you own the image, or that it is in the public domain, or that the copyright holder has agreed to license it under the GFDL. Always note the image's copyright status on the image description page, using one of the image copyright tags, and giving additional information about the origin of the image. If you created the image, don't write image created by me, write image created by John Doe on Jan 1st, 2000 (where you of course replace John Doe with your name, and Jan 1st, 2000 with the date of the image creation).

Under United States copyright law, all images that were published before January 1, 1923 in the United States are now in the public domain, but this does not apply to images that were created prior to 1923 and published in 1923 or later. The year 1923 has special significance and this date will not roll forward before 2019. This is particularly significant because Wikipedia pages, including the non-English language pages, are currently hosted on a server in the United States. However, the interaction of Wikipedia, the GFDL, and international law is still under discussion.

You can find a large selection of places to acquire public domain photos at the public domain image resources.

However, if you strongly suspect that an image is a copyright infringement (for example, if there is no information on copyright status on its image description page and you have seen it elsewhere under a copyright notice), then you should list it for deletion (see below).

Static Wikipedia 2008 (March - no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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