ويكيبيديا:تنبيهات السلوك

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

هذه الصفحة لمشاكل التواصل مع المحررين الآخرين، لذا قد تكون الصفحة المناسبة إن لم تعرف أين تبدأ بطرح المشكلة. نأمل أن تدخل محررين آخرين لم يشاركوا في الخلاف يمكن أن يحل الخلافات قبل تأزمها. وهذا عادة أفضل حل للجميع. لكن إن فشلت هذه الخطوة....

then there are further options as described in this dispute resolution process link and the info-box to the right. For more information, click any of those links, or start with this article: Wikipedia:Etiquette.

IMPORTANT: Read the instructions before posting your alert. Review the section titled Procedure for this page, immediately following the table of contents below.

Please help respond to Wikiquette alerts. This page is run by regular editors just like you, and needs more editors to help with the alerts. Anyone is welcome to help out, and in particular if you have been helped by this page, please return the favor by offering your advice on other incident reports. That's not a requirement for posting your report, but it's a good idea, and your help would be much appreciated. Responding to alerts is also a good way to learn more about Wikipedia policies and even more, about how to work with other users to calm situations without resorting to formal procedures. Wikiquette in a way is the basis of what allows the community to work smoothly together, so those are valuable skills to develop for those who like to edit Wikipedia. Thanks!

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