भूमध्य रेखा
विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से
पृथ्वी के केद्र से सर्वाधिक दूरस्थ भूमध्यरेखीय उभार पर स्थित बिन्दुओं को मिलाते हुए ग्लोब पर पश्चिम से पूरब की ओर खींची गई कल्पनिक रेखा । इस पर वर्ष भर दिन-रात बराबर होतें हैं, इसलिए इसे विषुवत रेखा भी कहते हैं ।
यह पृष्ठ किसी और भाषा में लिखा गया है। आप इसका अनुवाद करके विकिपीडिया की मदद कर सकते हैं।
The equator is an imaginary line on the Earth's surface equidistant from the उत्तरी ध्रुव and दक्षिणी ध्रुव. It thus divides the Earth into a उत्तरी गोलार्ध and a दक्षिणी गोलार्ध. The equators of other planets and astronomical bodies are defined analogously.
The latitude of the equator is, by definition, 0°. The length of Earth's equator is about 40,075.0 km, or 24,901.5 miles. The exact length is 40,075,016.6856 m in WGS-84, and 40,075,035.5351 m in IAU-2000.
The equator is one of the five main circles of latitude that are based on the relationship between the Earth's axis of rotation and the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun. It is the only line of latitude which is also a great circle. The imaginary circle obtained when the Earth's equator is projected onto the heavens is called the celestial equator.
The Sun, in its seasonal movement through the sky, passes directly over the equator twice each year, on the March and September equinoxes. At the equator, the rays of the sun are perpendicular to the surface of the earth on these dates.
Places on the equator experience the quickest rates of sunrise and sunset in the world, taking minutes. Such places also have a constant 12 hours of day and night throughout the year, while north or south of the equator day length increasingly varies with the seasons.
The Earth bulges slightly at the equator. It has an average diameter of 12,750 km, but at the equator the diameter is approximately 43 km greater.
Locations near the equator are good sites for spaceports (e.g., Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana), as they are already moving faster than any other point on the Earth due to the Earth's rotation, and the added velocity reduces the amount of fuel needed to launch spacecraft.
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[संपादित करें] Equatorial climate
Temperatures near the equator are high all year round (except at altitude). In many tropical regions people identify two seasons: wet and dry. However, most places close to the equator are wet throughout the year, and seasons can vary depending on a variety of factors including elevation and proximity to an ocean.
The surface of the Earth at the equator is mainly ocean. The highest point on the equator is 4,690 m, at
on the south slopes of Volcán Cayambe (summit 5,790 m) in Ecuador. This is a short distance above the snow line, and is the only point on the equator where snow lies on the ground.[संपादित करें] Equatorial countries
The equator traverses the land and/or territorial waters of 14 countries. Starting at west Africa and moving east, these are:
- São Tomé and Príncipe – passing through Ilhéu das Rolas, an islet in this archipelago
- Gabon
- Republic of the Congo
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Uganda – including some islets in Lake Victoria
- Kenya
- Somalia
- Maldives – misses every island, passing between Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll and Gnaviyani Atoll
- Indonesia – crosses many islands, most notably Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, and Halmahera
- Kiribati – misses every island, passing between Aranuka and Nonouti Atolls in the Gilbert Islands
- Baker Island (unincorporated territory of the United States) – passes through territorial waters (NB the equator also passes through the exclusive economic zones around Howland Island and Jarvis Island, but not through their territorial waters)
- Ecuador (literal translation of its official name is "Republic of the Equator") – including Isabela Island in the Galápagos Islands
- Colombia
- Brazil – including some islands in the mouth of the Amazon River and passing through Macapá, capital of Amapá state
Contrary to its name, no part of Equatorial Guinea's territory lies on the equator. However, its island of Annobón is about 100 miles south of the equator, and the rest of the country lies to the north.
[संपादित करें] "Crossing the Line"
The English-speaking seafaring tradition maintains that all sailors who cross the equator during a nautical voyage must undergo rites of passage and elaborate rituals initiating them into The Solemn Mysteries of the Ancient Order of the Deep. These rituals date back to the Middle Ages, though the current ceremonies are most likely derived from Viking traditions. Those who have never "crossed the line" are derisively referred to as "pollywogs" or simply "slimy wogs". Upon entering the domain of His Royal Majesty, Neptunus Rex, all wogs are subject to various initiation rituals performed by those members of the crew who have made the journey before. Upon completion of the initiation ceremony, the wogs are then known as "trusty Shellbacks". If the crossing of the equator is done at the 180th meridian, the title of "Golden Shellback" is conferred, recognizing the simultaneous entry into the realm of the Golden Dragon. If the crossing occurs at the Greenwich or Prime Meridian, the sailor is considered to be an "Emerald Shellback".[तथ्य वांछित]
[संपादित करें] See also
- Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Prime Meridian
- Thermal equator
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