Emília Vášáryová
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Emília Vášáryová (often referred to as Milka Vášáryová, b. 18 May 1942, Horná Štubňa, Slovakia) is one of the most prominent contemporary Slovak actresses.
In 1963 she graduated at the Theatre Faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (VŠMU). After two seasons at Nová scéna she joined Slovak National Theatre in 1964. She regularly performs in radio, films and TV inscenations. She also lectures at the Theatre Faculty of VŠMU.
Even after the Dissolution of Czechoslovakia Vášáryová often appears in Czech movies (Cosy Dens, Up and Down) and on stages of renowned Prague theatres (The Drama Club, Theatre on the Balustrade, National Theatre, Summer Shakespeare Festival).
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[edit] Selected awards
- 1970 – Za vynikajúcu prácu
- 1978 – Zaslúžilá umelkyňa
- 1982 – Andrej Bagar Award for performing Iphigenia in Goethe's Iphigenia in Tauris
- 1991 – Minister of Culture Award
- 1992 – Telemúza 92
- 1995 – Telemúza 95
- 1996 – Alfréd Radok Award for performing Younger Sister in Ritter, Dene, Voss by Thomas Bernhard
- 1999 – Krištáľové krídlo 1998 for performing Agnes in A Delicate Balance by Edward Albee
- 1999 – Zlatá slučka
- 1999 – DOSKY Award for performing Old Woman in The Chairs by Eugène Ionesco
- 2000 – Jozef Kroner Award 1999 for performing Old Woman in The Chairs
- 2000 – chosen Actress of the Century by Slovak journalists
- 2000 – Igric Award for performing in TV inscenation Klietka
- 2000 – Literárny fond Award for performing Old Woman in The Chairs
- 2001 – Hercova misia (Art Film Trenčianske Teplice)
- 2002 – DOSKY Award for performing Maria Callas in Master Class by Terrence McNally
- 2003 – Karel Čapek Award 2002
- 2003 – Cena Václava Havla Medaile za zásluhy
- 2004 – DOSKY Award for performing Stevie in The Goat, or, Who is Sylvia? by Edward Albee
[edit] Trivia
- sister of actress and ambassador Magda Vášáryová
- wife of a costume designer Milan Čorba
- nicknamed Milu (from Miluška) by her friends
[edit] Filmography
- Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (I Served the King of England) (2006)
- Kráska v nesnázích (Beauty in Trouble) (2006)
- Horem pádem (Up and Down) (2004)
- Waterloo po česku (2002)
- Andělská tvář (2002)
- Návrat ztraceného ráje (Return to Paradise Lost) (1999)
- Pelíšky (Cosy Dens)(1999)
- Klietka (1999) (TV)
- Stav bez tíže (1999)
- Amine emlékezete (1998) (TV)
- Modré z nebe (Blue Heaven)(1997)
- Orbis Pictus (1997)
- Hazard (1995)
- Od rana do usvitu (1992) (TV)
- Staroruzová dráma (1989) (TV)
- Die Pfauenfeder (1987)
- "Alzbetin dvor" (1986) (mini) TV Series
- Jankove hracky (1985)
- Materske znamienko Pipo schafft alle (1985)
- Plavčík a Vratko (1982)
- The Turn of the Screw(1982) (TV)
- Nebezpecné známosti (1980) (TV)
- Advokátka (The Lawyer)(1977)
- Cervené víno I-II (1976)
- Kean (1975) (TV)
- "Vivat, Benovský!" (1975) (mini) TV Series
- Den, ktory neumrie (Day Does Not Die) (1974)
- Kto odchádza v dazdi (Who Leaves in the Rain?) (1974)
- Putovanie do San Jaga (1973)
- Známost sestry Aleny (1973)
- Niet inej cesty (1968)
- Balada o siedmich obesených (1968) (TV)
- Drak sa vracia (1967)
- Námestie svätej Alzbety (1966)
- Lidé z maringotek (People on Wheels) (1966)
- Majster kat (1966)
- Bláznova kronika (The Jester's Tale) (1964)
- Az prijde kocour(When the Cat Comes) (1963)
[edit] External links