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IUPAC name 2-Hydroxy-1-ethanethiol
Other names 2-Mercaptoethanol
CAS number [60-24-2]
Molecular formula C2H6OS
Molar mass 78.13 g mol−1
Density 1.11 g cm−3
Melting point

−100 °C

Boiling point

157-158 °C

Refractive index (nD) 1.4996
EU classification Toxic (T)
R-phrases R23 R24 R25 R37 R38 R41
S-phrases S26 S36 S37 S39 S45 S53
Related compounds
Related compounds ethylene glycol
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references

2-Mercaptoethanol (also β-mercaptoethanol) is the chemical compound with the formula HOCH2CH2SH. It is a hybrid of ethylene glycol, HOCH2CH2OH, and 1,2-ethanedithiol, HSCH2CH2SH. ME or βME, as it is commonly abbreviated, is used to reduce disulfide bonds and can act as a biological antioxidant by scavenging hydroxyl radicals (amongst others) . It is widely used because the hydroxyl group confers solubility in water and lowers the volatility. Due to its diminished vapor pressure, its odour, while unpleasant, is less objectionable than related thiols.


[edit] Preparation

ME may be prepared by the action of hydrogen sulfide on ethylene oxide:[1]

Reaction scheme for the preparation of 2-mercaptoethanol from ethylene oxide and hydrogen sulfide

[edit] Applications

Proteins are denatured by 2-mercaptoethanol via its ability to cleave disulfide bonds:

cysS-Scys + 2 HOCH2CH2SH → 2 cysSH + HOCH2CH2S-SCH2CH2OH
Reaction scheme for the cleavage of disulfide bonds by 2-mercaptoethanol

By breaking the S-S bonds, both the tertiary structure and the quaternary structure of the protein can be disrupted.[2] Because of its ability to disrupt the structure of proteins, it is used in the analysis of proteins.

2-Mercaptoethanol is often used interchangeably with dithiothreitol (DTT) or the odorless tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) in biological applications.

[edit] Reactions

2-Mercaptoethanol reacts with aldehydes and ketones to give the corresponding oxathiolanes. This makes 2-mercaptoethanol useful as a protecting group.[3]

Reaction scheme for the formation of oxathiolanes by reaction of 2-mercaptoethanol with aldehydes or ketones

[edit] Biological effects

2-Mercaptoethanol is one of the few chemicals that extends the maximum as well as the median life span of mice.[4] In microgram quantities, 2-mercaptoethanol has been observed to have a number of possibly beneficial effects on laboratory mice.[5]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Knight, J. J. "2-Mercaptoethanol" in Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis (Ed: L. Paquette) 2004, J. Wiley & Sons, New York. DOI: 10.1002/047084289.
  2. ^ 2-Mercaptoethanol. Chemicalland21.com.
  3. ^ 1,3-Dithiolanes, 1,3-Dithianes. Organic Chemistry Portal.
  4. ^ M.L. Heidrick, L.C. Hendricks and D.E. Cook (1984). "Effect of dietary 2-mercaptoethanol on the life span, immune system, tumor incidence and lipid peroxidation damage in spleen lymphocytes of aging BC3F1 mice". Mech. Ageing Dev. 27 (3): 341-58. doi:10.1016/0047-6374(84)90057-5. PMID 6334792. 
  5. ^ L. Pénzesa, R. C. Nobleb, E. Beregia, S. Imrec, J. Izsáka and O. Regius (1988). "Effect of 2-mercaptoethanol on some metabolic indices of ageing of CBA/Ca inbred mice". Mech. Ageing Dev. 45 (1): 75-92. doi:10.1016/0047-6374(88)90021-8. PMID 3216730.