aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Dies ist eine Liste von Artikeln, bei denen die Interwiki-Links nicht automatisch durch einen Bot korrigiert werden konnten, da Konflikte auftraten. Es wird um Mithilfe gebeten. Erledigte Artikel bitte aus dieser Liste entfernen.
Bei einigen Artikeln ist es überhaupt nicht möglich, alle Konflikte zu beseitigen, diese Liste muss auch nicht unbedingt vollständig abgearbeitet werden, wenn etwas nicht klappt, einfach stehenlassen und gegebenenfalls einen Kommentar anhängen, was schief läuft.
Bedeutung der Fehlermeldungen:
- {Found incorrect link to en in de:Beispiel}
- Hier sollte es ausreichen, kurz zu überprüfen, ob der englische Artikel verschoben wurde oder ein Tippfehler vorliegt. Sollte der englische Artikel nicht auffindbar sein, kann der Link aus dem deutschen Artikel entfernt werden.
{Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} oder {Found link to de:Beispiel}
- In mindestens einer über Interwiki-Links verlinkten Seite steht ein falscher Link. Hier gibt es mehrere mögliche Ursachen: ein Tippfehler, die nachträgliche Einrichtung einer Begriffsklärung oder ein Artikel, der in einer anderssprachigen Wikipedia keine exakte Entsprechung hat.
in Arbeit
- Bei großen Konflikten bietet es sich an diesen Zusatz zu machen wenn man daran arbeitet. Der Zusatz bleibt manchmal auch länger, wenn eine große Chance besteht, dass die Änderungen wieder revertiert werden und man noch einmal genau erklären muss warum die Änderungen wirklich so notwendig sind.
- Manchmal gibt es noch weitere selbsterklärende Zusätze zum Bearbeitungszustand.
Inhaltsverzeichnis |
[Bearbeiten] Interwiki Resolver
Es ist hilfreich den Interwiki Resolver zu benutzen um diese Seite abzuarbeiten. Anzumerken ist, dass dieser momentan keine Links selbst ändert. Er ist trotzdem hilfreich zur Diagnose des Problems.
[Bearbeiten] IWLC Liste
Der IWLC erzeugt pro Woche etwa 2500 Artikelpaare zum botten. Leider lassen sich nicht alle automatisch verknüpfen. Daher hat der Entwickler eine sehr übersichtliche Seite erstellt, über die verschiedenst zusammengestellte Warnfile für Bots oder aber auch für User heruntergeladen werden können. Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit nach erfolgreicher Überarbeitung die Daten automatisch aus der Datenbank streichen zu lassen, sodaß dort nur aktuelle Daten enthalten sind.
[Bearbeiten] Schwere Probleme
- de:Kebab - 4 verschiedene Bereiche
- de:Calling Card {Found link to de:Telefonkarte} - 2 Artikel in Deutsch
- de:Calotte {Found link to de:Studentenmütze} 1 Artikel in fr:
- de:Campbell Conference {Found link to de:NHL Western Conference} - 2 Artikel in de:
- de:Campo {Found link to de:Feld} - 1 Artikel in es:
- de:Cannabis {Found link to de:Hanf} - hoffnungslos* de:Cannabis {Found link to de:Marihuana}
- de:Cantaloupe-Melone {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} - ja: unklar
- de:Cantaloupe-Melone {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Canton (Begriffsklärung) {Found link to de:Kanton} - nichts zu machen
- de:Canyon {Found link to de:Schlucht} - nur ein Artikel in vielen Sprachen
- de:Canyon {Found link to de:Tal}
- de:Capa {Found link to de:Pluviale} - 2 Artikel in de:
- de:Capriccio {Found link to de:Capriccio#Musik} - mehrere Artikel in anderen Sprachen
- de:CBM-700-Serie {Found link to de:CBM-500-Serie} - Sammelartikel in anderen Sprachen
- de:CBM-600-Serie {Found link to de:CBM-500-Serie}
- de:Qixi {Found link to de:Tanabata} --ein Artikel in ja: u.a.
- de:Qixi {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Qixi {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Qixi {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Qixi {Found more than one link for wikipedia:vi}
- de:Quadratisches Mittel {Found link to de:Effektivwert} --ein Artikiel in en:
- de:Quadratisches Mittel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quadratisches Mittel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quadratisches Mittel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Qin (Staat)/de:Qin-Dynastie/de:Qin kreuz und quer-links in mehreren sprachen(de, en, fr, ru,...)
[Bearbeiten] Liste von Zwobot (Stand 2008-01-01)
[Bearbeiten] Q
- de:Qi {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Qingming-Fest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Qingming-Fest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Qingming-Fest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:vi}
- de:Qingming-Fest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ko}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found link to de:Quadratische Gleichung}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sk}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sl}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:bg}
- de:Quadratische Funktion {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found link to de:Quadratisches Reziprozitätsgesetz}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ta}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Quadratischer Rest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Quadrik {Found link to de:Quadratische Form}
- de:Quantitätstheorie {Found link to de:Umlaufgeschwindigkeit (Geld)}
- de:Quantitätstheorie {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quantitative Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Quantenselbstmord {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quantenselbstmord {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Quality Function Deployment {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Qualitätswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete {Found link to de:Prädikatswein}
- de:Quantenpunkt {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Quantisierungsrauschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Qualitative und Quantitative Sozialforschung {Found link to de:Qualitative Sozialforschung}
- de:Qualitative und Quantitative Sozialforschung {Found link to de:Qualitative Analyse}
- de:Qualitative und Quantitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Qualitative und Quantitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Qualitative und Quantitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Qualitative und Quantitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Qualitative und Quantitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Qualitative Sozialforschung {Found link to de:Qualitative Analyse}
- de:Qualitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Qualitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Qualitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Qualitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Qualitative Sozialforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Qualitative Marktforschung {Found link to de:Qualitative Sozialforschung}
- de:Qualitative Marktforschung {Found link to de:Qualitative Analyse}
- de:Qualitative Marktforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Qualitative Marktforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Qualitative Marktforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Qualitative Marktforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Qualitative Marktforschung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found link to de:Frequenzumtastung}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found link to de:Frequenzmodulation}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Quadraturphasenumtastung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quantitative Trait Locus {Found incorrect link to en in en:Quantitative trait locus}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found link to de:Wurzel (Mathematik)}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found link to de:Nullstelle}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ca}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:simple}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Quadratwurzel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quartz Hill {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Quarzoszillator {Found link to de:Schwingquarz}
- de:Quarzoszillator {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quarte {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Quantenzahl {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ar}
- de:Quecksilberschalter {Found link to de:Neigungsschalter}
- de:Quantor {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quantencomputer {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Qualitätslenkung {Found link to de:Qualitätssicherung}
- de:Quasimodogeniti {Found link to de:Weißer Sonntag}
- de:Quelle (Geschichtswissenschaft) {Found link to de:Primärquelle}
- de:Quelle (Geschichtswissenschaft) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:id}
- de:Quelle (Geschichtswissenschaft) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quelle (Geschichtswissenschaft) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quelle (Geschichtswissenschaft) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Queenstown-Lakes-Distrikt {Found link to de:Queenstown (Neuseeland)}
- de:Querfront {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quecksilber(I)-chlorid {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found link to de:Qualität}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Qualitätsmanagement {Found more than one link for wikipedia:uk}
- de:Quantenmechanische Messung {Found link to de:Doppelspaltexperiment}
- de:Quantenmechanische Messung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quantenmechanische Messung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Quantenmechanische Messung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Quantenmechanische Messung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quantenmechanische Messung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quantenmechanische Messung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quantenphysik {Found link to de:Quantenmechanik}
- de:Quantenphysik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Quantenphysik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quantenphysik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quantenphysik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Quantenphysik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:vi}
- de:Quantenphysik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sq}
- de:Quantenphysik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found link to de:Quantisierung}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found link to de:Quant}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:el}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:hu}
- de:Quantisierung (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Quest {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Query by Example {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found link to de:Plegie}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found link to de:Lähmung}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Querschnittsyndrom {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Querachse {Found link to de:Roll-Pitch-Yaw-Winkel}
- de:Querachse {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Querschläger {Found link to de:Abprallschuss}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found link to de:Queer as Folk (britische Fernsehserie)}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sh}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:tr}
- de:Queer as Folk {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found link to de:Joghurt}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:eo}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Quark (Lebensmittel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quastenflosser {Found link to de:Komoren-Quastenflosser}
- de:Quastenflosser {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Quastenflosser {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quechua-Sprachen {Found link to de:Quechua}
- de:Quechua-Sprachen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Quechua-Sprachen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quechua-Sprachen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Queen {Found link to de:Königin}
- de:Quiche Lorraine {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quiche Lorraine {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quellenangabe {Found link to de:Zitat}
- de:Quellenangabe {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Quellenangabe {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Quellenangabe {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quellenangabe {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quelle Mimirs {Found link to de:Mimir}
- de:Quelle Mimirs {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quelle Mimirs {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quelle Mimirs {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quelle Mimirs {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Quilt {Found link to de:Patchwork}
- de:Quilt {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quilt {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Quilt {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quilt {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quilt {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quilt {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Quinhagak {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Quidditas {Found link to de:Haecceitas}
- de:Quidditas {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quinte {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Quelle der Urd {Found link to de:Urd}
- de:Quelle der Urd {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sh}
- de:Quelle der Urd {Found more than one link for wikipedia:lt}
- de:Quelle der Urd {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quelle der Urd {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quelle der Urd {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quelle der Urd {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found link to de:Wasserfall}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ro}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ar}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:simple}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:qu}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ko}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fa}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:uk}
- de:Quelle (Gewässer) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Quellenkritik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quellenkritik {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ia}
- de:Queue {Found link to de:Tail}
- de:Queue {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Queue {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Queue {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quevedo {Found link to de:Francisco de Quevedo}
- de:Quitman (Georgia) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found link to de:Äther (Physik)}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found link to de:Aither}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ro}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sk}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quintessenz (Philosophie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:uk}
- de:Quotient {Found more than one link for wikipedia:lt}
- de:Quotient {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Quotient {Found more than one link for wikipedia:eo}
- de:Quotient {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Quotient {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Quo vadis? {Found link to de:Quo Vadis (Roman)}
- de:Quitte {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Quittung {Found link to de:Kassenbon}
- de:Quittung {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Qunaitra {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ar}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found link to de:Qutb Minar}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found link to de:Ashoka}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ar}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:hi}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Qutb-Komplex {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
[Bearbeiten] R
- de:R. I. S. – Die Sprache der Toten {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:R-Type {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:RACI {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:RMS-Leistung {Found link to de:Musikleistung} solved 20080516205025_RMS_Leistu
- de:R- und S-Sätze {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:R- und S-Sätze {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:R- und S-Sätze {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:RGB-Farbraum {Found link to de:RGB-Signal}
- de:RNA-Interferenz {Found link to de:Kleine RNA}
- de:RNA-Interferenz {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ur}
- de:RNA-Interferenz {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:RNA-Interferenz {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:RNA-Interferenz {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:RNA-Interferenz {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:RNA-Interferenz {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:RNA-Interferenz {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found link to de:Reaktive Panzerbüchse}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found link to de:RPG-7}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found link to de:Rückstoßfreies Geschütz}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:RPG (Waffe) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Rabenschnabel {Found link to de:Kriegshammer}
- de:Rabenschnabel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rabenschnabel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:RSS {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Rabinal {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Rabinal {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rabinal {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:RTL Television {Found link to de:RTL Televizija}
- de:RTL Television {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:RTL Television {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:RTL Television {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:RUS {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Rabe {Found link to de:Corvus}
- de:Rabe {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rabobank {Found link to de:Rabobank (Radsportteam)}
- de:Rabobank {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rabobank {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:Rabobank {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Rabobank {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Rabobank {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Rab (Stadt) {Found link to de:Rab}
- de:Rab (Stadt) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rab (Stadt) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Rab (Stadt) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:hr}
- de:Rab (Stadt) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Rab {Found link to de:Rab (Stadt)}
- de:Rab {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rab {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Rab {Found more than one link for wikipedia:hr}
- de:Rab {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Rabbiner {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Rabbiner {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Rabbiner {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Rabbiner {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Rabbiner {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rabbiner {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Rabbiner {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Rabbiner {Found more than one link for wikipedia:yi}
- de:Rabenvögel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Rabenvögel {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radarwarnanlage {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found link to de:Kolkrabe}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found link to de:Nebelkrähe}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found link to de:Aaskrähe}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:lt}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:io}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ta}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nn}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:bg}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:li}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:tr}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cy}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:eo}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:an}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ca}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sk}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:hr}
- de:Raben und Krähen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:hu}
- de:Rachel (Bibel) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rack {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Rachitis {Found link to de:Osteomalazie}
- de:Rachitis {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Rachitis {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rachitis {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Rachitis {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Rachitis {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Rachitis {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Rachitis {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Racine {Found link to de:Wurzel}
- de:Racine {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Racine {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Racken {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Racken {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Racken {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Racken {Found more than one link for wikipedia:tr}
- de:Racken {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Racken {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radiator {Found link to de:Kühlkörper}
- de:Radiator {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radiator {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Radiator {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Radiator {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Radiator {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Radiator {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Radiant (Einheit) {Found link to de:Bogenmaß}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found link to de:Bogenmaß}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found link to de:Radiant (Einheit)}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Rad (Physik) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:uk}
- de:Radibor {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Radieschen {Found link to de:Rettiche}
- de:Radieschen {Found link to de:Daikon}
- de:Radieschen {Found link to de:Garten-Rettich}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:uk}
- de:Radieschen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:bg}
- de:Radio Österreich International {Found link to de:Ö1}
- de:Radikal 51 {Found link to de:Kader}
- de:Radio Luxemburg {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radikale (Chemie) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radikaler Pietismus {Found link to de:Pietismus}
- de:Radikaler Pietismus {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radio Free Europe {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Radikaler Konstruktivismus {Found link to de:Konstruktivismus (Philosophie)}
- de:Radikaler Konstruktivismus {Found link to de:Konstruktivismus (Lernpsychologie)}
- de:Radikaler Konstruktivismus {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radikaler Konstruktivismus {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Radikaler Konstruktivismus {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radpolo {Found link to de:Radball} solved 20080516204413_Radpolo
- de:Radpolo {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radklassiker {Found link to de:Eintagesrennen}
- de:Radiästhesie {Found link to de:Wünschelrute}
- de:Radiästhesie {Found link to de:Erdstrahlung}
- de:Radiästhesie {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radiästhesie {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Radiästhesie {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Radiästhesie {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Radiästhesie {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radiärsymmetrie {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radiowelle {Found link to de:Radiofrequenzband}
- de:Radiowelle {Found link to de:Frequenzband}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radiowelle {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Radio {Found link to de:Rundfunk}
- de:Radio {Found link to de:Rundfunkempfangsgerät}
- de:Radio {Found link to de:Hörfunk}
- de:Radio {Found link to de:Kommunikation}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ro}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:jv}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:tl}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ta}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nn}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:tr}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:gl}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:id}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:cs}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:eo}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:el}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:eu}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ca}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:vi}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:simple}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:mk}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:br}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:vec}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sq}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sr}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:su}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ko}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fa}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:bg}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:yi}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:uk}
- de:Radio {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Raffia {Found link to de:Raphia}
- de:Radio e Televisiun Rumantscha {Found link to de:SRG SSR idée suisse}
- de:Radio e Televisiun Rumantscha {Found more than one link for wikipedia:rm}
- de:Radio e Televisiun Rumantscha {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radio e Televisiun Rumantscha {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radioaktivität {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Radioaktivität {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ur}
- de:Radiocarbon-Jahr {Found link to de:Radiokohlenstoffdatierung}
- de:Radiolarit {Found link to de:Hornstein (Gestein)}
- de:Radiolarit {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radiolarit {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Radiolarit {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radiolarit {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found link to de:Radiowelle}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found link to de:Frequenzband}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:zh}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Radiofrequenzband {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radlader {Found link to de:Schaufel}
- de:Radlader {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Radlader {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Radlader {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radlader {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Radlader {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sv}
- de:Radlader {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
- de:Radlader {Found more than one link for wikipedia:he}
- de:Radlader {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found link to de:Bahnradsport}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found link to de:Bahnrad}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:sl}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:es}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:nl}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:et}
- de:Radrennbahn {Found more than one link for wikipedia:it}
- de:Radrennen {Found link to de:Radsport}
- de:Radrennen {Found link to de:Fahrradfahren}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:no}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ja}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pt}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ru}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:ar}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fi}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr}
- de:Radrennen {Found more than one link for wikipedia:da}
[Bearbeiten] K (Stand 2007-04-09)
- de:Kabelstraßenbahn {Found link to de:Standseilbahn} graph
- de:Kabelstraßenbahn {Found link to de:Cable Car} graph
- de:Kaba Gajda {Found link to de:Sackpfeife (Musikinstrument)} graph
- de:Kabak-Kemane {Found link to de:Kemençe} graph
- de:Kabak-Kemane {Found more than one link for wikipedia:tr} graph
- de:Kaffeemaschine {Found link to de:Espressokanne} graph
- de:Kaffeemaschine {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} graph
- de:Kabeljau {Found link to de:Dorsche} graph
- de:Kabeljau {Found link to de:Stockfisch} graph
- de:Kabbala {Found link to de:Numerologie} graph
- de:Kadenz (Solokonzert) {Found link to de:Kadenz (Harmonielehre)} graph
- de:Kadenz (Solokonzert) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} graph
- de:Kadenz (Harmonielehre) {Found link to de:Kadenz (Solokonzert)} graph
- de:Kadenz (Harmonielehre) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Aktiengesellschaft (Vereinigtes Königreich)} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Société anonyme} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Gesellschaft (Soziologie)} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Kapitalgesellschaft} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Kompanie (Unternehmen)} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:SpA (Unternehmensform)} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Handelsgesellschaft} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Unternehmen} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Aktiengesellschaft} graph
- de:Kabushiki kaisha {Found link to de:Firma} graph
- de:Kahlhecht {Found more than one link for wikipedia:pl} graph
- de:Kahlhecht {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr} graph
- de:Kaidō {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} graph
- de:Kai (Hafen) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} graph
- de:Kai (Hafen) {Found more than one link for wikipedia:eo} graph
- de:Kagyü {Found link to de:Karma-Kagyü} graph
- de:Kaiserliche Japanische Marine {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} graph
- de:Kaffer {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr} graph
- de:Kahramanmaraş {Found link to de:Kahramanmaraş (Provinz)} graph
- de:Kaibun {Found link to de:Palindrom} graph
- de:Kaibun {Found more than one link for wikipedia:en} graph
- de:Kaibun {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr} graph
- de:Kain {Found link to de:Abel (Bibel)} graph
- de:Kaiser {Found link to de:Imperator} graph Problem im Resolver?
- de:Kaiser der Qin-Dynastie {Found link to de:Qin (Staat)} graph
- de:Kaiser der Qin-Dynastie {Found link to de:Qin-Dynastie} graph
- de:Kaiser der Jin-Dynastie (265–420) {Found link to de:Jin-Dynastie (265–420)} graph
- de:Kaiser der Jin-Dynastie (265–420) {Found link to de:Qin (Staat)} graph
- de:Kaiser der Jin-Dynastie (265–420) {Found link to de:Qin-Dynastie} graph
- de:Kaiserreich China {Found link to de:Kaiser} graph Resolver Problem?
- de:Kaiserreich China {Found link to de:Imperator} graph
- de:Kaki {Found more than one link for wikipedia:fr} graph
[Bearbeiten] Known Bugs / bekannte Probleme
Die hier gelisteten Konflikte sind zwar bekannt, aber sie werden momentan nicht gelöst.
(momentan keine)