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Casa Lannister - Wikipedia

Casa Lannister

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Stemma Casa Lannister
Stemma Casa Lannister
« Udite il mio ruggito! »
(Motto della casa Lannister)
« Un Lannister paga sempre i suoi debiti »

La Casa Lannister è una casata nobiliare facente parte del mondo della saga fantasy Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco di George Raymond Richard Martin.

I Lannister sono i Protettori dell'Ovest, dominano i ricchi giacimenti auriferi di Lannisport. La loro residenza è la roccaforte di Castel Granito (Casterly Rock nell'edizione originale).

Il loro stemma è un leone in campo porpora. Il loro motto è: "Udite il mio ruggito!".


[modifica] Storia

Alti, attraenti e dai capelli biondi, i Lannister hanno il sangue degli invasori Andali e conquistarono un vasto regno tra le valli e le colline dell’Occidente. Attraverso la discendenza in linea femminile, si dichiarano discendenti di Lann l’Astuto, il leggendario maestro d'inganni dell'Età degli Eroi. L’oro delle miniere di Castel Granito e della Zanna Dorata li ha resi la più ricca fra tutte le grandi case dei Sette Regni. Durante le Guerre di Conquista, re Loren di Castel Granito si alleò con re Mern dell’Altopiano nel tentativo di opporsi alla conquista Targaryen, schierando un vasto esercito composto da più di cinquantamila uomini. Sfruttando un netto vantaggio numerico, riuscirono a mettere in rotta l’armata di Aegon, e sembrò che l’avanzata del Conquistatore dovesse terminare sui campi dell’Altopiano, ma si trattò solo di pochi momenti: Aegon e le sue due sorelle scesero in campo a cavallo dei loro draghi: Balerion, Vhagar e Meraxes. La battaglia che poi venne definita Campo di Fuoco fu l'unica che vide i tre draghi combattere tutti assieme, e la loro furia lasciò quattromila uomini bruciati vivi sul campo, incluso re Mern dell’Altopiano. Loren Lannister riuscì a salvarsi e giurò fedeltà alla Casa Targaryen. Fu concesso loro di continuare ad essere i Protettori dell'Ovest. Prima della ribellione di Robert Baratheon lord Tywin Lannister ricopriva la carica di Primo Cavaliere del Re, e suo figlio Jaime era il più giovane cavaliere mai entrato nella Guardia Reale. I Lannister furono una delle ultime fazioni a scendere in campo, schierandosi dalla parte di Robert una volta sicuri dell'avvenuta caduta della Casa Targaryen. Lord Tywin marciò su Approdo del Re e gli abitanti della città aprirono le porte all'esercito Lannister, ignari del fatto che quelli che accoglievano come salvatori si sarebbero tramutati in carnefici. Dopo la morte di Aerys Targaryen per mano di Jaime Lannister, lo Sterminatore di Re, Re Robert rinsaldò l’alleanza con i Lannister prendendo in sposa la bellissima Cersei, figlia di lord Tywin e sorella gemella di Jaime.

I Lannister un tempo possedevano un'antica spada forgiata con l'acciaio di Valyria chiamata Brightroar; attualmente non la possiedono più.

[modifica] Albero genealogico

Dorna Swift
Darlessa Malbrand
Emmon Frey
Robert Baratheon
Ermesande Hayford
Joy Hill

[modifica] Membri della casata

[modifica] Tywin

Tywin Lannister, Lord di Castel Granito, Scudo di Lannisport, Protettore dell'Ovest e Primo Cavaliere di Re Aerys II Targaryen, Joffrey Baratheon e Tommen Baratheon. Abile stratega e grande politico domina dalle retrovie i Sette Regni grazie alla sua astuzia e al suo oro. Si dice di lui che qualsiasi cosa tocchi si trasforma in oro. Padre dei gemelli Cersei e Jaime e del nano Tyrion non disdegna di utilizzare i propri figli quali pedine per ottenere i propri scopi, solitamente nuove alleanze politiche. Uomo apparentemente senza scrupoli, ma tutti i suoi sforzi sono destinati alla pace e alla prosperità della sua nobile casa e dei Sette Regni.

[modifica] Jaime

Jaime Lannister è il primogenito maschio della casata, fratello gemello e amante di Cersei. È stato soprannominato "lo Sterminatore di Re"' dopo l'assassinio del re Aerys II il Folle della casa Targaryen, che aveva giurato di proteggere come giovane membro della Guardia Reale, la guardia personale del re. Perdonato per questo gesto da Robert Baratheon, il successore di Re Aerys, e reintegrato nella Guardia Reale, ha dovuto rinunciare ad ereditare "Castel Granito" da suo padre, Lord Tywin Lannister, in quanto il giuramento prevede il servizio a vita e il voto di castità. Particolarmente abile con la spada, ha partecipato a numerosi tornei, vicendone persino uno ancora giovanissimo.

[modifica] Cersei

Cersei Lannister è moglie di Robert Baratheon e madre degli eredi al trono Joffrey, Myrcella e Tommen. Figlia di Tywin Lannister, sorella gemella e amante di Jaime Lannister. Soffre di un complesso di inferiorità verso gli uomini, in quanto l'essere donna, seppur splendida, non le permette di ereditare Castel Granito. Nel periodo in cui fa da reggente al Trono di Spade si prodiga in intrighi ed usa la sua bellezza e la ricchezza di casa Lannister come armi.

Stemma di Tyrion quando era Primo Cavaliere del Re
Stemma di Tyrion quando era Primo Cavaliere del Re

[modifica] Tyrion

Tyrion Lannister, detto anche Folletto, è il terzogenito di lord Tywin e la sua nascita ha provocato la morte dell'amatissima moglie del Lord di Castel Granito, donandogli l'odio e il disprezzo del padre. Tyrion è probabilmente uno dei personaggi più affascinanti delle Cronache ma di sicuro non per l'aspetto fisico: infatti egli è un nano deforme, coi capelli biondissimi tendenti al bianco, un viso dai lineamenti rincagnati e gli occhi uno verde e uno nero. Ciò che lo rende così spesso apprezzato dal lettore è la sua stupefacente intelligenza e sottigliezza, che lo rendono assai abile negli intrighi di corte quanto il fratello Jaime lo è con la spada. Inoltre Tyrion possiede un grande senso dell'umorismo, spesso anche autoironico, che lo rende anche uno dei personaggi più divertenti e dalle frasi più memorabili. Il Folletto è odiato dal padre e dalla sorella Cersei, ma amato dal fratello Jaime, che lo ha sempre protetto. Nonostante sia un Lannister e ne possegga la spietatezza, Tyrion ha anche un grande cuore che lo porta ad affezionarsi involontariamente alle persone.

[modifica] Daven

The son of Stafford, Daven is a capable soldier and a significant improvement over his father. He is leonine in appearance, with bushy blonde hair and a stocky build. He has a coarse but affable demeanor, laughing frequently and making obscene jokes.

Daven swore a holy oath not to cut his hair until he avenged his father's death on Rickard Karstark. After Robb executed Rickard for treason, Daven still refused to cut his hair. He was given orders to lay siege to Riverrun and appointed Warden of the West. Daven struggled against the questionable loyalty of the lords of the Trident under his command and proved unable to make progress.

[modifica] Genna

La sorella di Tywin, Genna Lannister è sposata con Emmon Frey, e ha avuto quattro figli. Dopo la morte di Joanna, she appears to have taken a maternal interest in Tywin's children. Genna is a stout woman, although once shapely and buxom, and is shrewd, ruthless and blunt; she commands her husband utterly.

The war has not treated Genna gently; of her four sons, two have been killed: Cleos Frey, her firstborn, who was killed as he was escorting Jaime and Brienne from Riverrun and Tion Frey, her third son, who was killed by the Karstarks at Riverrun while a captive.

Upon the death of Robb Stark, House Tully was dispossessed of Riverrun, which was awarded to Genna, her Frey husband and her surviving children. They acquired the castle after the submission of Edmure Tully, who was taken prisoner at the Red Wedding.

[modifica] Kevan

Kevan is Tywin's younger brother and most trusted captain. He is known for his reliability and loyalty. Kevan recognized the superiority of his brother at an early age and is comfortable doing his duty to realize his brother's wishes, though this means perpetually living in his shadow. It is said that Kevan never had a thought that Tywin hadn't had first. He is married to Dorna of House Swyft, with whom he has three sons, Lancel, Willem and Martyn, and a daughter, Janei.

After Tywin's death, Cersei offered him the position of Hand of the King. However he did not trust in Cersei's leadership and said he would only take the position if she returned to Casterly Rock and gave him the regency. After her refusal he refused the position of Hand and accused Cersei of being both a poor leader and mother. He quickly became alienated to his immediate family. He believed Tyrion to be a murderer and came to believe the rumors of incest about Cersei and Jaime. His eldest son, Lancel, became a religious fanatic and abandoned the estate Kevan had won for him. Kevan was also angered that Daven received the title of Warden of the West over him, and refused to add his forces to his cousin's at Riverrun, and returned to the West to see his younger son Martyn. After Cersei's imprisonment, the Small Council named him Regent of the King. It is unknown as of yet whether he will accept it.

[modifica] Lancel

Lancel is the oldest son of Ser Kevan. At King's Landing he serves as a royal squire to King Robert. He is described as sandy-haired, with a wisp of a mustache and emerald green eyes, looking much like a younger Jaime.

Lancel idolized his cousin Jaime to the point that he eagerly participated in Cersei's plans to kill Robert so that he too could become a Kingslayer. He served Robert an unusually potent wine, known as "strongwine" during a hunting expedition, causing the King to be gored by a boar. After Robert's death, Lancel was knighted. Cersei later took him as a lover while Jaime went to war due to his resemblance to her brother. At the Battle of the Blackwater he guarded Joffrey until Cersei ordered Joffrey to be taken away from sight during the battle. Lancel took a serious wound in the fighting and later chastised Cersei for the damage her action caused to morale.

Lancel lingered near death for a long time and he never fully recovered from his wound. During the trauma of his recovery, Lancel experienced a spiritual reawakening. He began to feel guilt for his services to Cersei, especially of participating in the murder of King Robert. For his services at the Blackwater he was named the Lord of Darry. As part of the Frey alliance he was betrothed to a daughter of their house. Kevan took him to the Darry castle and chose his bride, Amerei Frey, whose mother was of House Darry. Lancel married Amerei but refused to consummate the marriage, spending most of his time in the sept doing penance for his sins. His behavior angered his father greatly. When word reached Lancel of the resurgence of the Warrior Sons, an order of holy knights, he renounced his castle, lands and wife and traveled to King's Landing to join them.

[modifica] Stafford

Good-brother brother-in-law and cousin to Lord Tywin, he is regarded as an incompetent commander. His sister was the late Joanna, Tywin's wife and mother to Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion.

After the defeat of Jaime Lannister, Stafford was charged to form a new Lannister army to attack Riverrun. While training this army at Oxcross, he was taken completely unaware by King Robb Stark's army (since he had neglected to send out scouts) and killed in the ambush by Lord Rickard Karstark.

[modifica] Membri storici della casata

[modifica] Damon

Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, and Warden of the West in the time of King Daeron II. When young, took part in a Lannisport tourney as a mystery knight called the Gray Lion. After earning a reputation for his prowess, he was unhorsed and unmasked by Arlan of Pennytree. Thereafter he remained known as the Gray Lion. At the Ashford tourney, he ignored Duncan's pleas for aid in the trial of seven.

[modifica] Lann

Legendary founder of the Kings of the Rock, from the Age of Heroes, known as Lann the Clever and Lann the Trickster. His original seat was in Lannisport, however he was able to trick the House Casterly out of its holdings of Casterly Rock and make it his main seat. Legend also has it that he stole the gold from the sun and hid it in his hair. He is the most heralded figure in Westerosi history.

[modifica] Tybolt

Son of Damon, Tybolt was Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, and Warden of the West in the time of King Aerys I. In his youth, he was a renowned tournament knight. At the Ashford Tourney he defeated Androw Ashford to become one of the contest's five champions. He successfully defended his position from all challengers, including Jon Penrose, whom he battered with his shield after losing his horse and sword.

[modifica] Tytos

Tywin's father, Tytos was Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, and Warden of the West. He was a tolerant and kindly man, but a terrible lord. Under his lordship, House Lannister lost much of its prestige and power. He allowed himself to be easily bullied by lesser lords, who laughed at him behind his back. Two of his own bannermen, the lords of Tarbeck and Reynes, openly rebelled against his authority. After the death of his wife, Tytos began sleeping with whores and took one as a mistress. He gave his mistress free rein over Casterly Rock and allowed her to wear his late wife's jewellery. This enraged the young Tywin, who rebuilt the house's reputation after Tytos's death.

[modifica] Altri Lannister

  • Cerenna. Older daughter of Stafford.
  • Damion. Knight and cousin to the ruling Lannisters, married to Lady Shiera Crakehall. Appointed castellan of Casterly Rock by Cersei, the Lady of Casterly Rock.
  • Gerion. Younger brother of Tywin, missing since leaving on an expedition to Valyria.
  • Janei. Infant daughter of Kevan.
  • Joy Hill. Bastard daughter of Gerion and niece of Tywin. As part of the Frey alliance, she was betrothed to a Rivers of the Twins. Jaime mistakenly offered her later to Raynald Westerling-- however the mistake has not yet come to light. It may never become a problem, because Raynald Westerling is dead.
  • Lanna. Daughter of Damion, married to Antario Jast.
  • Lucion. Knight and son of Damion.
  • Margot. Cousin to the ruling Lannisters and sister to Damion. She is married to Titus Peake.
  • Martyn. A twin son of Kevan. Served as a squire to Jaime until his capture. Exchanged for Robett Glover and sent to Golden Tooth.
  • Myrielle. Younger daughter of Stafford.
  • Rosamund. Cousin to the ruling Lannisters. Companion of Princess Myrcella and travels with her to Dorne.
  • Tyrek. Son of Tygett and nephew of Tywin. Served as a royal squire to King Robert. Married to the infant Ermesande Hayford to gain Lordship of her lands, and for this was jokingly called the "Wet Nurse." Taken by the mob during the King's Landings riots and has not been seen since; he is presumed dead, but much speculation surrounds his fate.
  • Willem. A twin son of Kevan. Served as a squire to Jaime until his capture. Murdered while a captive at Riverrun by Rickard Karstark, who desired revenge for the deaths of his sons at the Whispering Wood.

[modifica] Casate fedeli

  • Banefort of Banefort.
  • Brax of Hornvale. House Brax is one of the more powerful houses sworn to Casterly Rock. Lord Andros Brax had once made a visit to Hoster Tully in hopes of marrying his son to one of Hoster's daughters.
  • Broom.
  • Clegan
  • Crakehall of Crakehall. Members are regarded as being uncommonly strong and robust.
  • Estren of Wyndhall.
  • Farman of Fair Isle.
  • Jast, seat unknown.
  • Kenning of Kayce.
  • Lefford of the Golden Tooth.
  • Lorch
  • Lydden of the Deep Den.
  • Marbrand of Ashemark. The current Lord of Ashemark is Damon Marbrand. His son and heir, Addam, is a capable commander and was made commander of the city guard in King's Landing.
  • Payne. Ser Ilyn the headsman and Podrick, squire to Tyrion Lannister are from this house, though Podrick is from a lesser branch.
  • Reyne of Castamere. Extinct house that rebelled against Tytos. Destroyed by Tywin Lannister and an inspiration for a famous song in Westeros, "The Rains of Castamere".
  • Prester of Feastfires.
  • Serrett of Silverhill.
  • Spicer. House Spicer is seen as an upstart house. They descend from a spice merchant and a witch-woman famous in Lannisport for her potions.
  • Swyft of Cornfield.
  • Tarbeck of Tarbeck Hall. Extinct house that rebelled against Tytos. Destroyed by Tywin Lannister and an inspiration for a famous song in Westeros, "The Rains of Castamere".
  • Westerling of the Crag.

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -