Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Description |
A front view of a T-72 Lion of Babylon tank
Source |
Date |
April 2003
Author |
Hussein Malla
(Reusing this image) |
see below
This image was created in Iraq and is now in the public domain because its term of copyright has expired according to the Iraqi Law (Arabic) (English).This work meets one of the following conditions:
- It is a photographic or audiovisual work that is not compositive (artistic in nature) and at least five years have elapsed since the end of the year of its publication
- It is another type of work and more than twenty five years have elapsed since the year of authors death and fifty years have elapsed since the year of publication.
- On May 1, 2004, Paul Bremer, then head of the Iraqi Coalition Provisional Authority, signed an order modifying Iraq's copyright law of 1971. The new law entered effect that day but was not retroactive upon works already in the public domain (see paragraph 27). Works not already in the public domain on that date are henceforth protected for 50 years past the author's death, or 50 years after publication in the case of applied art, copyright held by a legal entity, and pseudonymous works. It also explictly repeals the exemption for non-artistic works. Therefore, non-artistic works published January 1, 1999 or after are still under copyright.
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Historique du fichier
Cliquer sur une date et une heure pour voir le fichier tel qu’il était à ce moment-là
| Date et heure | Dimensions | Utilisateur | Commentaire |
actuel | 12 octobre 2007 à 15:12 | 520×385 (67 Kio) | DagosNavy | |
Pages contenant l’image
Les pages ci-dessous contiennent cette image :